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Queen Yuki

Queen Yuki

Author: Carmen97

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1386    |    Released on: 23/01/2022

, but she was one of the people who treasured them the most, and in

ink softly and slowly to put it on the cabinet. She was face down, just like she left him every night


eath that was strapped to her shoulders, holding it behind her back. She then took a pair of silver revolvers

hing underneath, that belt holding his pants, the weapons, the fingerless gloves, and decided I was ready to go. She remembered tha

she could only nod with a sigh, to

get them


g drunk and making some riots around the neighborhood. Due to the violence in this area, no one was surprised ev

atest pleasure, but now he was very distracted on the roof of a warehouse while he read for the umpteenth time that book that he did not put down for some reason in life. Thank

accused the blonde as steam was present in every

an being distracted, Jose.

a cigarette to his lips, taking a lighter out of his pocket befor

esence" murmured a female voice, sitting on th

ere?" The blond que

notice their presence, huh? What an idiot" t

reminded him, before standing up. "You can see the thousands

enemies" commented the other

she murmured,

rning over his shoulder, not to see an

ted the boy. "He's ab

screamed as a tall African-Americ

efore pushing her against the wa


he was holding her, she turned to look to her right and found a woman, she turned her face to the left a

savage growl that would make the prostitute scream in terror just before those animal fangs sharpened and the other handshak

nded up on the cold pavement, leaving her to crawl looking for a way out of what seemed like a r

while the monster reacted to both shots, with its head down, before raising its f

ged at her, with that red tinkling look,

est, terrifyingly penetrating. She just put the gun away before hers two companions of hers reached her, standing nex

ely, Yuki" the man admired, to

lled out a phone and made a call. "I'm sorry if you don't enjoy yours

led once more "You're all grown up, little

he work, according to the locator we will find him in the next building, the

rl, to give them a very calm smile b

one" commented the blond very animated. "Maybe we'll be early." They were ma

sked, to which he sighed before sh

dra has served a

re turning around with a high kick that

the girl walking calmly, her eyes now a radioactive shade of green, g

cused her, bu

nd letting it fall when he got dangerously close "But darling" t

nted while both gentlemen waited for her "Alt

blood, that will wear he

picking up her coat from the floor "Xander, tell the cleaning ser

, Yuki" then he m

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