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The Alpha's Lucky Slave

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 2632    |    Released on: 17/01/2022

nother whip made a contact with her skin, she jerked up, now her vision which was fuzzy was now cle

ime sleeping, do you need an erotic mass

e brownish which was as a result of tobacco and alcohol

ither have any of your weak fellow guards have any int

he was not gonna allow a bastard trample u

und of the whip, slicin

d useless, you are a whore and if eventually you get sold, you wil

ard la

alled a whore, because you are gonna be a sex slave, fuc

of the wall like this world never existed, she felt this surge of anger she had never felt before, and it was

the auction register room, if you try any thing foolish, I will make sure your last

hand cuffs, they dragged her out from the cells, they were treating her way harshly than the other slaves, was it because of the assault she gave the guard that made the other guards treat her these way.

ttle room, which she found so uncomfortable to breath on, one of the guar

ng, I heard from the guards that you were awfully punishe

at her, her face filled

t mind going over there and bashing his head in the walls, till I see his brains scattered o

not joking with each words she said, she meant it, and she wa

e of me, but I sweet tongued him, or some

ot wanting to let go of her yet, but Envaline have her own plans

o cover up for him, you will receive your own punishment whic

with a serious eyes, a smile

my life in your hands than in his hands, you are a lion, a war, a steel, you tear apart the male l

e her statement, Envalin

fuzzy with your words, it makes

her hands in flattery,

ssaulted will be able to su

bering the word

live, but no man will be able to bear the pain of loosing their re

smile, she still wanna reminisce about these moments with h


id, staring

surviving without you, I'm so used to you, th

le which she had on her face waa

oups, and make sure you don't cause any commotions

l window, where a guard sat, with a long paper and an ink beside him, he was probably the person who was go

plan that can make us tog

with a huge smile, which t


ou know how to make us being sold

the thoughts of leaving the establishme

ght work, which I re

d, who is taking names of the peop

window, Envaline at the front line, while Sharriah faces her back, the guard looked at them both,

asily, well well, you seem so fast to leave this cage, but not so fa

going as planned, and at that minute, she slightly

r, her eyes showing concern of

gonna allow them get sold together, words were on the tip of his tongue to separate them, when he heard a call from

get yourself at the back of the line before I return back to the r

new guard never knew what was going on between the guard and

guard leaving the room, she turned back, staring a

line, we can still

Envaline to know if

your help for the plan, just be

e's eyes showed curiosity, but Sh

lashed her a smile, she knew her name, as she was also a s

an you help me ou

hoping she

what you want me

widened at

s together, thereby causing us to be separated, from each other, please I need you to write my name as yours, sinc

accepts her request, th

what's you

nds was not her thing, but she remembered how Sharriah treated the guard in the bath room and


ah ask

ret W

she mouthed a thank you to her, looking at Envaline, who had been liste

was planned. Her heart made a loud thump, and it made another thump, it felt strange, like someone was trying to talk to her, she heard another thump on her heart again, this time, she slipped down on the wall, and squeezed her tiny pieces of that she wore, her heart was as if it wa


is place this instant and go write yo

up and she realized it was only some few people that was in the room, sh

I could make your life worst than you

gotten used to their snickering, taking the pen on the platform, she wrote Margr

re that is

lm when writing her name, which was not how he exp

name is Mar

not wavering when sh

ght it was somet

t her, to know her reaction, but

leave n

losing the door behind h

ay waiting for her, she could see Margret was also with her, also

it wo

aid, looki

ell, Margret is the one

at Margret who fla

did you write my

ked Ma

ut your self on

d, beaming

don't have to

t at ease, still not knowi

ou will find

as about to protest, when she heard the v

ath, and a dress had been marked for each and everyone whos

dress for slaves, th

howed how much happy she

ke, it could be a clothes for whores, too exposed for our liking,

uthfully she is the whore in the Establishment, and she was made the slave leadership position in the Establishment, due to her famous a

you are

, instead, she thought, they will treat them like cheap whores so that they will be appeasing to the sight of the buyers, her body shook with fear at her thoughts, but if

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