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The Alpha's Lucky Slave

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1829    |    Released on: 17/01/2022

the auction ground, as they dragged the slaves to the black market, which covered a short distance from the est

et trembled as they walked towards where they will

ards the guards assig


he curtain, which separate


Bethel have heard about the king buying slaves an

laves, but he knew he can't take chances and giving any wins to the vampires, the black market were going to be filled with vampires and the witches,

f the establishment, as far as to the Ithaki hills, there ar

a long journey from the dark moon pack to the establishment, as he walked to alpha Aiden, who

e establishment, I have sent the guards to arrange the camps in these loca

ts him, the King's wrath was not something he could mess with, he knew what the king was capab

ought, they won't dare step their foot in

ying to protect him, but he forgot so easily that he wa

d eight years ago, I sent the butler, Durex, to report to me immed

ed Ale

is not easy to investigate, since it had happened a long time ago, and there won't be a

id, bowing d

g that, then know that your head will be cut

ith anger, he hates it when someone tries to pro

won't make such unnec

the king is about to find his mate, and Alexander hoped, it won't be a slave, remembering

nt you a

no interest, a scowl appeared on his face, as the scent of gross perfume wafted fr

Alexander, to buy

looking at

, just o

t the king walked all the way

nning on buying the

at Alexander, a

a slave Al

wn, submitting him


, ranging from dark to fair, wide to tight, stro

ed at what they will buy, the goods worth their assets. The curta

gerness to buy the slaves, they were filled with lust a

from the faces of his buyers decided to go on w

es blindfolded, but it was removed quickly, likewise the other slaves, their blind

ne, her eyes filled with disgust from the look she

t rough in things you want her to do, an exp

joy and acceptance



that matter, you do enjo

ge, she realized that the slave's clothes had been torn into pieces and the slave w

slaves, but standing up naked in front of strangers was worse than other punishments she do received before, and

is so sweet and tempting, the bidd



though it had been long she had been separated from the outside world, she was taught the value of money at a tender age and these amount o

from the crowd, strug

ed gol

fty gol

d and thirt

undred c

ndred go

undred g

entioned, the crowd


goes to

er towards him, His eyes shone with evil, images of how he will deal with his new slave, he whispered somet

e, till she heard a name which

ne Druk

ne turned looking at her, Envaline was totally sc

a scent, which wafted through her nose, a scent, so strong and so manly, it smelt like earth with rain, and she closed her eye

beat increased the more


unicating with her, but all she knew was that, she was not the one t

ings were happening

t came from, as she looked around, totally forgetting there was a slav

with vigor, not blinking and the eyes was scrutinizing her, she bowed her head

him, she heard the same low


stage where she saw the man, who had grey golden eyes, he was no longer the

r, or even have the thoughts of tearing her clothes, unl

tion, Sharriah turned to the stage where Envali

ose voice she had heard loo

scared like a mouse, she had never seen the warden gotten scared before, as he was always wicked and awful to the slaves and these act of his surpr

end Envaline in such a way and

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