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The Alpha's Lucky Slave

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 2390    |    Released on: 17/01/2022

re there sitting and checking out their dresses, You could hear whispering and murmurin

e dress with con

other slaves who were making o

clothes, they have to bear this

er her, when Envaline raised the clothe up, she gasped, it was a piece of clothing which could only cover the breast part of her body, then a cut in bet

won't wear this

to treat them like whores and slaves like they always do, this was too extreme, s

act, they wanna sell us stack naked,

not think she will have the pride to talk and raise her head up without feeling asha

e have no hope, no voice our own, no courage to voice out our thoughts, so we just k

a pause and loo

up, and it says again, w

ys of been in this dungeon and she can't risk not getting sold

ion, or some k

g quite surprised at h

me say it is a

her body on hers, h

e dirts, let'

id, walking

e she woke up this morning quieting, the coldness of the water, cooling her down, she stayed in the water for minutes before she heard a noise from the room, she raised her head up, she saw Veronica, she wore nothing and was stack nake

r self in the building without any ounce of shame or regr

paths and she never reacted to her insults, if she had done that, her life in the slave establishment would be more painful than what she

tion, Lydia, I can't wait to get sold, I can't wait to giv

o the fullest and maybe set her free to live a free life, after all, nothing comes freely, she loo

r knew that y

alking towa

getting so excited to be sold, especially, plea

, her eyes glinti

s being a

she is indeed a whore, and for once, she pray

ue got tie

again starin

ds with the murderer, well, we

d, looking a

same boat, just that you have fucked with al

g at Veronica glared

the way he banged you so hard, that you screamed his name to the roof top, so

und the room and this made her happy, seeing someone chall

efiled against

rom the bath, her nakedn

like been raped in the establishme

signs of approval from the crowd, Veronica turned towards Sharriah, staring at her with

y, and she felt like wiping those smirk out fr

s and leave here, you know,

trol of her self, and Veronica was not worth it, she handed the

e does no

rriah wore her dress, the dress too tight and revealing for her, it was a dress meant for a slave, it exposed her half part of her breast, her tighs in full di

made you look

a was slightly jealous of Sharriah, her body is just

ever knew you could be so irritating and jealous, moreover, she does not have to beg h

the exit of the bath room, she co

not the e

a Screa


acred sign of human hearts which were molded with steel attached to the chairs, ten elde

eard from the messengers who was s

in commands in the vampire pack, they consist of eight male a

king is never interested in slaves, he hates them, and he wants nothing to do with them, and just a week ago, the alpha king made an orde

wing down at the primus, who

get these informations from the spy

of red, pure deep red, staring at

the guards, who works in

ires, what could the alpha king want a slave for, there was whispers going round the roo

t eve

e the demons go hiding in their skins, the room quieten at the sound of

ack the werewolves and we take the

pire ki

, prepare the warri

ng up from his throne


ul, damn, the pork does n

ing in distaste at the fo

u ate meat, it have been a month now, maybe if we

r pork, then suddenly she


here cloth

their wr

re good

hispered amo


ed at the slaves, the establi

killed two of the guards stationed at the north g

oking at the slaves who tr

anyone, we are not th

ves who tried

u are humans, so am gonna give you a chance to e

ng to look at

for freedom, to be

id, looking

out, stepping o

s ready t

urning to the oth

m, and le

the guard unti

ate, when you cross the ga

ef guar

ree slaves ran with determination, to leave slavery and welcome a new


still dragged his body on the earth as he strived to leave the establishment, his nightmare, but unfortunately for him, another arrow pierced his back, and his body dropped dead,

e ar

ed, having seen what

o quick, it was a male slave, he ran, his breath not failing him, running to gain his freedom, just as he reached the east gate, a smile formed at his face, he was free fro

was real, he fell on the ground, but yet he thrived to reach the ga

m at la

t breath, his eyes closed slowly

slaves, everyone remained quiet, no one wil

ained their

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