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Inner Demons

Chapter 2 Training Room

Word Count: 1887    |    Released on: 28/01/2022


is staff are now hospitalized and confined except for others who have no idea what happened.

s very

in the fridge. I got up from my s

etrayed by


e before smiling

u saved the Presi

reasons I always do what I have to do well. I want her


your job is dangerous. Maybe later some



ack to what she was doing. I stayed turned and stared into


d to th


ter. I nodded and waite

lasses today and then I'

its messy hair. I shook my head and took some

Dad to the mall

l look li

took the money from me. I

Astrid or Gra

on her and left th

I arrived at the main arena of

r ​​B

d behi

ut of

ed and just watched as t

you doing r

e Cyber ​​was the only one dodging him. I shook my h

me out of me. My brow furrowed and I saw D

crossed his arms. I ignored it and w

rning, D

ou shu

t and put some of my


wn, Dreys

d off the table, putting a hand i

er, he wants to see how

team, everything I

and walked

n't finished reading because the Malacañang proje

the three leaders of the resurrec

. A

of the espion

ain D

ed up. He's way too calm a

se Einstein, g

Devon after

r Heicho, g

ocked to see Mr. Akie's back, s

see how you two are dealing with you

all right

alked to the fr

ad the way

so I carefully moved f

to congratula

it as


that hard and

aid jok

? I didn't say anything, altho

raining room, I attached my spy ca

arrows and rav

ing room with a white sigil on their clo

rrows and Rave

that filled the training room faded

all again, my deares

to a smile

ows and ravens, go

said. I approached them

ws and ravens, goo

just stayed by Mr.Akie's

s start with t

at is happening in the world. It wasn't announced in Their head. Its vis


ked at me waiting for an answer. I

avens will teach our minds

pale. They are not ready. There are a few of them who aren't very skille

s situation, I don't know what the result of the show i

, do yo

ght fist on her opposite left chest

e up your guns and u

delayed to give

ling so He pinched his forehead

smiling? It's nice to era

ns and implements were. I felt the cold of my body because I'm not very read


lon, where of course this weapon was demonstrated with the watermelon. Great. They di


twisted the tube of lipstick

nto car

I lost my nervousness when I saw them, they seemed

h, I'm alread

Mr. Akie, who


ned to

gain As if nothing happened but marks on their faces The joy. I went ba

way and ma

or heart

before I

from behind. I closed my mouth and watched it closely. I'm not very f

k Te

tion. He did it too quickly and unnoticed by others, but also too sharp to see

y turned to Mr. Akie, who turned


that was a

dy kneeling on the floor, the grip on his chest tight. It's no use, the gun was loaded with a frozen po

ct Mr.

y, Captain

on His face so

t's your

ed at

not the one t

he didn't seem affecte

down Ca

wards the center. Suddenly his expressi

ike him who have ordered me to be finished or to do bad things

let out a low laugh that almo

so you just adjust and come over

nything odd, but I did Didn't notice any strange reac

to face me. Not its pup fish

ry. Even if he looks innocent and

ins, please cle

alive and not breathing. Devon and I helped him out while M

s a spy out


o had just called somewhe



ou tell Mr. Akie? H

. Akie really could have

m too lazy t


lking to me to tell me even though I knew. He said

meant. All the time he knows something, but it seems like he just doesn't hav

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