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Fire in the Rain

Fire in the Rain

Author: R. T. II

Chapter 1 : Call of the Hand

Word Count: 1394    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

To some, a car's engine seemed like an impossibility made up of a complex mass of mystical machinery, a hunk of mechan

plugs; first, a crucial engine component providing the spark that breathed life into an engine, then twe

ride earned the

st hushing the mechanical sounds of Zamson tweaking his ride. Logan was soon to engage in a workout as he prepared

ond the two realized that it was nobody serious, Zamson and Logan returned to their

red Zamson without haste. "What the hell!" Shane's amusement danced in his voi

grease and grime stained his hands. The attempt was short-lived. "Gott

ut on the weight bench, his giant dumbbells rising and falling. "Bu

im that easily. "I'm not interested i

ed in. "Co

en get down to business. "Damn, you two be rude as f

to expect," said Zamso

er finger. "Some ole bull

s head. "Yeah, figured. Sorr

r," add

ance would fade away with time, patience, and a few choice words to attract th

stray too far from Zamson. "The last gigs were, as the righteous would say, prosperous, or were they not?" He threw

that. It would be foolish to do so, and the most Shane thing to

silent, mainly because Shane tried his best to keep a casual face of innoc

s face, he found the sink and twisted on the hot water faucet before soaping up to wash his hands. "A little too hot? Che

fuzzies. And that was a very wealthy collector who paid beyond top-dollar for that nasty-

t kept coming were the death p

's perspective on their prior adventures of running errands was overly dramatic, which t

r bait in the e

"Okay. It was your way of retaliating for a dangerous jo

" said Logan. "Still try

s the revisiting of memories he chose not to feed into, he shifted his attention to Zamson, who hardly ever said no to money. This wa


One that's leagues be

ent glinting in the calm of his eyes. "You said that already. What could be better

d*ck," Log

lthy remark caught him off

ious heat. B*tches love it when you bust for them, too. Slap a price tag

nding. Sex sells. Women were just as perverted as men and desired certain fe

ctures of their fe

had a point. "Well, sin

is sudden ease showed interest. "What's

streets. But get this: you work for keeps

eve that for a mi

a smile on his lips sealed the look w

Logan excha

n never succeed with the l

he subject. "Mak

he strip," said Shane as Zamson claimed the envelope. "The way you flow through the streets like greased lightning leavin

imple. The square piece was black, vantablack, the type of black that absorbed sunlight to nothing. There was no design

that card meant. Everyone in the city, those like

armingly sat up with the quickness. "Ambrogio?! Wh

ne receives that card," Sh

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