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Fire in the Rain

Chapter 7 : A Risky Game

Word Count: 1740    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

Their abrupt glimmers delivered only a glimpse of detail until the blinking images grew horrid. It was t

re him and his friend Logan. As well as the monstrous cat-woman creature that Zamson

ve. Logan sat across the way, where the couch and the table and its lit lamp complemented the colorful collection of natural p

and every other expensive furnishing to be present here. Zamson reached for his neck the second that spark of pain made itself known. To his

rk was oddl

could he forget Naia's fangs? Of all of his prior conflicts with vampires in the streets, not one bit

e encounter of hearing Zamson howl his life a

rk. Forgetting the sound of his own death howl was impossible. None were fortunate to catch th

ry-looking bite m

cracking him. "That

rom the four bite marks he now sported. "Where are we?" Zamson began to say before he stopped stroking his neck a

, appeared as quick as their scent and appearance had stolen their awareness. Noctavion stared at them both, smiling. "You

lar eyes before, preferably when they first met. His dark eyes of feral death hit an all-new kind

the primal head-on and survived. While I did not anticipate that event, my fait

ing voice uneased him. "Compensation aside... Just what is

the first darkbloods, the primals, correct?" Noctavion arched a we

ying his gaze on Noctavion. Expecting the cunning-looking crime lord in a s

estured with an easy hand. Peace was his main gain. A strategy. Keeping the werewolf at bay. He turned to take his leave. "The funds have been wired to your personal accounts. Spend it

brief second before Zamson found his jacket. They were escorted out of Obsidi

ewhat groaned. That bite to the neck bothered him as he settled in the driver's seat. "If I'm running a

rsonal truth. It was that very truth triggering those vague visions. Questionable

n to absorb its timeworn detail. "That vault was from the old world," he said. Remembering as if those thoughts were his own. H

hose tight and engaging grooves in Logan's b

amson slipped the key into the ignition. Pan

y replied.


that you were

ricey pitcher of blood wine famous for its gold flakes. If any time was an excellent time to drink,

n such issues emerged. The Lady was fixed upon something. Beyond the glass and into the city. And she frowned her dirtiest of looks, scowling

"We must not disturb our

ebonwood." Countessa reminded

ave deemed that wulvyn street urchin a perfect fit for the job. As you can see, he delivered." A

own way. "What if th

more than petty fears. Vampyrials did not concern themselves with the matters of lesser darkbloods. There was a catch when it ca

ungent aroma before taking that first sip. "One of the Bloodmother's f

ed to him. The unsettling clack of her heels beat the floor like claws. Her t

sponse demanding she shut her mouth and listen, for her sake. "When they rose from the b

lord of corruption displayed a hint of demanding gold burning bright in his eyes, and she stood still, calm, and collected. Eyei

wise not to r

fancy blood wine. "Not a single warring night ensued where we did not encounter the scent of burning wood threatening our senses. Burnin

the lady. "As for him..

a and her self-conflicting logic. "We went ov

her moment of reigning her venom back into focus. "The city is already ours to control. The humans and their petty laws mean sh*t to us. Why do

is desk. The shatter of glass and thick splats of blood stole the sil

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