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Fire in the Rain

Chapter 8 : Obey

Word Count: 594    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

fierce blood red—all for her to endure, and fear. "Speak one more word, just one, any word, a syllable, a verb

could. And she knew that he could. Assuming he found some form of victorious solace in her falling back on her objection

ed for her.

he clever scoop of his arms. Her breast pressed against him. The flow was too excellent. One arm slid on

nting a seed of relief inside her. It allured Countessa's gaze, seized by the charm t

d a bloody finger to her lips, granting th

red as she answ

at the rise and fall of civilizations, kingdoms, governments, and now their own center of power. Their rule in the darker forms of li

octavion hel

, herself, by the most dangerously

Noctavion gave her a thoughtful moment of pause, a break to gather her thoughts and reflect on her own errors while t

d struck her. Her anger and embarrassment melted into a puddle of

he back of her neck. At the nape. Where her attractive skull of natur

as we rise to destiny." His voice was the last tune Countessa heard as all thoughts fled

ess in the white cat-suit, who looked more bat than a cat, announced herself by the clicking and clacking her sharp

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