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The CEO'S Rejected Wife

Chapter 3 Three ( The Shock )

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

la Sanc

not me being jealous because if I can predict right I know how to handle my emotions. I look at Nickolaus and damn! He's looking at the girl with passion and love like I didn't just co

but obviously, that's the questi

n't look like a slut. I'm a woman and I've seen their kind and someone like her can use self-pity to get Nickolaus and then do so many things t

w him standing before me. Right now, I don't feel excited or whatsoever. The scene I saw here earlier is

he never contacted me?

ething?" I ask and he nodded

ou never contacted me, t


Nickolaus. Answer it…" I g

an't live without her," he said, trying

s her name," I t

ld digger can't let him go. I walked around his office admiring every inc

ompany to have a problem…what?" I

ened to yo

ients, lots of shareholders too," he replied, looking tired. But I know he isn't b

thinking manner a

" I said after walking around him. He made to turn around but I ignored him and c

r be ready to lose the compa

can't do t

, I'm doin

love you. I've someone that I l

apart with his words. I closed my eyes and turned my back

lk? How you could hurt people with you

fling his hand away, not allowing him to see

feeling suffocated. I needed to leave this place so I didn't bother to smile at the receptionist who was calling on me and I rushed out. I hurried and opened my car as I entered. I place my head on my steering wheel as I cry out my eyes. This has always been my biggest fear. I could have given u

ive into the restaurant. I parked my car and came out. I walk towards the receptionist. It's quite a classy restaurant. I requested a VIP. I needed a cool place to clear my head as a whole lot is goi

hope about us...he forgot me so easi

s." My conscience whispered a

" I said to

a’am. And you

ed. She smiled, and walked off

at were used as a window and

ly kissing and romancin

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