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The CEO'S Rejected Wife

Chapter 2 Two ( The shocking scene)

Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

la Sanc

going to see Nickolaus after so many years. My heart is filled with happiness… I never knew he was my betrothed that means it's me and him forever. Gosh, I feel so on top of th

her men. I type the name of his company on my phone. I don't know the way, so I'm using my phone's GPS location to track it. I

I tried to master my way knowing I don't have to use my phone GPS all the time. I already know I will

ered, inhaling deeply as I concentrat

s they walked on the road. A thought suddenly hit

I said to myself, but then…..I don't

ive," I said to myse

lready close to the company. I held my breath as I

ll happen if I find out he's in love with someone else I might lose it. I kep

w….I found out he's my betrothed. I love him more. This shows that hea

ssessive of someone before, but this is not ordinary someone, because he's my childhood friend, m

n't go back on them, I know I will fight the world itself even if it has to…f

friend has made over the years. I wonder what caused the problem he's facing now. I sigh as I drive into the company. I pack my car at the Que and walk

I like it when I draw people's attention,

owards the

day," I greeted with

you?" she asks with the same smile and damn! She's beautiful. I walk clos

e beau

I smile at her reddish face, sh

for someone?" she asked and turned her attention back to me. I clear

ound as if to see if anyone was coming and when she didn't see anyone. She beckoned

" she said. I made to join her in laughing but when the word she whispered

burn that already started in my heart. My inside w

t floor," s

a lot."

y most dreaded nightmare has finally happened. Turns out he already got a girlfriend, but he knows he's betrot

ope. Everything……..is crushed but no….the receptionist says she's a bitch and that means she's not good for my Nick. Not like anybody is perfect but at least not that kind o

elf down. I fan myself and when I'm sure I'm ready. I knocked on the door but got no response. I knocked again and when I held the doork

his lap with his hands around h


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