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The CEO'S Rejected Wife

Chapter 4 Four ( Wedding Heartbreak )

Word Count: 1174    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

la Sanc

as came pleading to cancel our marriage, I refused. I can't allow him to be with someone who will destroy him. I know he doesn't know this, but it's better that he hates me than ruining h

besides he's my betrothed, he has a girlfriend yes! But she ain't what he thought. I never want to talk to him about it because he won't give a damn or believe me. I'm just with the thought that everything will fall into place or its o

is was a promise I made to myself. I also promised myself to help him regenerate his company but that will be on my own not like he would

pressionless face. I sighed not being able to read what was on his mind. Tim

my sight but I blink them back it's not today. I raise my head to see Nickolas gazing at someone and when I trail his gaze, they landed on Sherly. I bit my cheeks as I saw

He started leaning closer and the audience giggled as they all await the bonding. I stare into his deep blue eyes as he finally leans closer. His hot breath fans my face… I couldn't hel

lip and start to bring his lip down to mine. I close my eyes and clutch onto my flowers ti

ust as you ruin me, I promis

to see a satisfying taunting look on his eyes. I si

sighed, and tried my best to put up a smiling f

rents were full of smiles and I know they're very happy. Nickolas's parents were also smiling as they can't stop adoring me. They have always been like that since we were kids. I already felt tired. I went to a quiet part of the

the pain, but it became worse, so I decided to take enough rest. I started walking out of the reception. I met my mom who asked me where to. And I told her, I have

ve she saw I have for him, thinking about her question. Where could Nickolaus really be? I sigh knowing I can't answer that. I entered the elevator and

is Nickolas on top of Sherly as he bangs her while she moans his name constantly. I bang on the door as tears trickle from my eyes. Nickolaus turned and looked at me but he smirk and turn back to Sherly, as he

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