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Beauty And The Werewolf

Beauty And The Werewolf


Chapter 1 Highest bidder

Word Count: 1998    |    Released on: 18/02/2022

d as the other slave master pushed a blonde boy in his thirteenth out, he had on a brown rag like uniform a

one.' One of the audience te

e will make a good tool

d, some disagreeing and some smili

n on a black silk gown, a red hat and a black shade sp

head of the slave master s

e. Nobody was wi

e good for s

e is definitely not worth

interested. Sold off t

irteen year old boy to its new master, handling over

brown. It had stenches on, odours that showed that it had been wore before her by God knows how many. She had only being there for few weeks, after her town was raided by t

oc said, gesturing t

wished someone would come wake he

ing her forward, to where her fate was to be decided. Annabel took in

mumbling i

ld be useful.' The man wi

a good pet.' A

her new master and she silently wished

gs." He jerked her up in his left hand. " Hmmm, this surely is a fortune, a pretty one at that. This goes fo

sped at the hik

wasn't alone. He had other pets of his with him, they knelt down with bruises and scars all over them. Their gowns tatte

e said, making the ot

aura of power, he certainly looked like he had seen much. He had a black eye patch on his right eye and two scars, one on his forehead an

see the price leap forward but there w

nd since they were captured. She could see a tear drop from Jane's eye, she had been captured while looking for what her sick brother

whispered into air, silently ho

~ ~ ~ ~

starting to ache but she knew better than to complain to her new master. The whole journey had been a silent one, like she had hope

two looked old enough for marriage while the three were teenagers just like herself. Sh

enness and bewilderment, the woman never walked forward instead she crawled

s place.' He sa

in what

was co

bel, holding her by her hand and

am Ann

everyone avoiding her gaze. They loo

I am

.' One of the teenagers whisp

.' Anot

s asked, watching the

ad to

ked he

elcome home party? Or a Wel

gh it would spoil her skin, her once pampered skin. She had to endure it all, this was her life now. As she crawled, she would stop at intervals to get thorn

pt sil

one which looked like it could collapse anytime soon. As soon as

they ask her not to stand or walk, th

urious about what tu

a tough and

on which we were bought. I am Number 2 and

Who on planet eart

ght here when I was just Sixteen, I have spent Twent

ptured as a baby, that I was told. I will be thirteen soon.'

red female said, " I and numbe

gos Brothers. She fell in love with one of them and they had him. Even though his mother had to be

see the pain he was trying so

r?' The curious

as something off about how they reacted and decided it was best no

~ ~ ~

er side by side, trying to wake up from the nightmare. She was struggling against something, fighting abo

of something, l

vigorously, trying to wake her up before their Master would be alerted

place to scream.' Number 1 chirped

ked relieved, relieved to know it was all a nightmare, one she hated to visit every time.

rs flowed from her already red eyes. She hugged

terror. It's how strong we can be that determines it's effect on us. You will get through w

hard to close her eyes again, out of fear of revisiting the past. Staring at the atmosphere, thoughts of how happy life had bein

a new journey of pains an

le herself from giving u

bed. She missed her old life. If only she was sure they were safe, they could be

ith all the little happy memories playing in her min

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