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Beauty And The Werewolf

Chapter 2 Sold

Word Count: 2317    |    Released on: 18/02/2022

She watched as they got down, all dressed up in various clothings. Clothings that barely showed a glimpse of their body, according to what she had read growing up, the sun coul

e looked neat with their hair nea

d and unkempt with their dresses torn and dirty while others looked better. One th

l asked Number 2, she seemed the m

ible and fear filled day to witness, brace up for whatever you will see.'

.' Number 4 said, crawli

re than sixteen bedrooms, three meet

were they su

n for the first time, the floor here was cool th

just below the thirteenth room.' Numbe

to crawl into the room but she had to. The door flung open and they crawled into a corner near their Master. A day like this was one in which the po

in their blood by digging their fangs into their necks. The

hem with a fortune' A werewolf sai

finest and most capable of all slave trade

d him to a blood contest. ' Let's see whos

ng it on.' The ot

es on them. A tear dropped from Annabel's eyes at the realization that would soon be her fate too. Both masters dipped their fangs into their necks, sucking out all the blood they needed with a smile

d to happen.' He said to cover up his defeat. The o

food for us.

y. She had to let it out, the vomit but she didn't want to be the next victi

s her l

old h

your pets are capable of.' A werewolf

ing feasted on, I assure u.' Master s

Another Were

it is what

ipped A

this some kind of rite ? Was this wh


y, what were u expectin

e inside her

fed on every time. Number 5 wailed a little but did his best to hold in his sob. It was her turn, she was the next one to crawl up to him and feel the pains for the first time in h

about blood transmitted disease or the fac

the things she mentioned, yes alright but above all she didn't want to be the next food in the central of the room. Funny enough M

ne?' One of the

wobble the mome

nd luck run out o

erature shoring high as

licious meal to

life out of the voice and take her frustration out

or my son.' Master said, dismissing

Wait he h

yes w

icked? What if he fed on her three ti

eat, no more fish, meat and all that. If I do ge

t her pet out of frustration of it

I treated my pet? Am I getting pu

g the tiny voice would

~ ~

eir lifestyles, their likes, dislikes and even weaknesses. She had also gotten used to

had adapted to t

old h

ng any feast or reunion. She was so happy that luck had come

would neve

at the realization t

anging their Master's wears. She had bonded with her compared to the others. Their Ma

en when I was brought here remember, I can barely remember

anything u re

ery good at naming things and people. She got up and moved closer

ll tell you

now and then, it made her feel at home, feel loved. S

with two other kids. Things were fine and peaceful until the Vampires attacked us, burning our town to the ground. Half of the people were burnt and fed on while some like me were captured. The Vampires were the

uld live close to each other. Vampires and Werewolves were know

, in a dark dark place with human skulls littered on the floor and stinking s

used their ever firs

a blood bath between this two blood lovers is them falling in love with one human. I guess they both just hate themselves cause they feel like they are in each other space

t meeting room. " Show Mackie to the guest

being supportive. He unlike the others had a smile on, a round face with the perfect jawline, a di

He said to the pet

with them for speaking to his guest. Only Mas

his place had the right to talk and they didn't have to crawl all day. He wondered what mo

m as they crawled to a room and flung it open, gesturing him to

squeezed her hand silently, signaling her to speak no further and dragge

ut Number 6.' Number 1

least responded.' She was confused by how a

id?. Humans? Oops! She fo

gers especially Master's visitors. You almo

s she sat down silently

she sayin

o.' She

d the Omigos brother happened, all Masters laid down the law to avoid something like that rep

re insane, the whole rules were just too inhumane.? They a

inded h

promise.' She said and hugged them, happy t

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