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Beauty And The Werewolf

Chapter 4 Slave

Word Count: 678    |    Released on: 18/02/2022

tting her short of her thoughts. She turned her back too see Mackie,

n't real.' She said and stared at

and I tod you my name was Mackie

d like this ne

ied as much as I could t

scared you would never come

incess, I told you to think of

laying a trick on her? Was it an effect of loving s

eded a

He brought her face closer to him and met her lips halfway with his, gently doing tricks with his upper lip. She fel

' He whispered

. I feel so alone here, s

me now Anny and forever, I will always be right by you

it but she couldn't. This was nothing but a dream, a mere fant

~ ~ ~

wrong?' Number 2 asked, setting the dinner f

nd it heartwarming that Number 2 cared but she knew it would be a foolish thing

I can see sadness written in your eyes. Pour it out Child, it is better t

aked a smile to make it look real. She really

dy to ease your heart, I will be right

ter's car drive alo

ot today

ded in h

barbarian rite. She wasn't ready to see t

hed for a b


to be over with. Annabel noticed Master was not alone, he


ed handsome too especially like Mackie. As her thought drifted to him, she ranksacked the whole room with her ey

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