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Last Bloodline (The Sacrificial Mate)

Chapter 3 Funeral

Word Count: 1030    |    Released on: 18/02/2022


Dad's F


, he might be gone now but he still has a son to m

come a motivational sp

we both started laughing taking a walk from h

nue with what my father has been doing, thank you for

take your job as my advi

r?" He

ay, I am just thinking of how I can advise a jerk of a cousin like you, I guess

have never seen a stubborn part

ilent all day, silver chains! really?

you if you get us ou

, yes I am more desperate than you right now searching for her, so keep it

silvers on him now."

in support of what I just


errupt family talk, Alpha Lorde, Josh just met


I shall take my leave now your best friend is here," Andre said taking his l

ed with humans and wolves, you might w

blessing people that found th

twalkers, you know the life is resolving, is

he ritual and funeral, it's so tiring and do send me an attracti

r mate, you won't be nee

rip out your hear

earch for your mom now." He added and I told the

ed straight to my room and two maids came o

only sentence that

g with the pants I had on, taking whiskey

pair me with someone like him

lence please, I need to t

mate," Ra

I am confused about something, why

u do, you are strict as an alpha to the public but swee

because when I get more violent, you in

dy you ask for is coming to your room now

laughing saying, "No you can't kill your best friend

He ended t

not a


g my shorts laying on the bed as th

nd when I do fall asleep, kindly leave my room, you w

ish, she climbed my back rubbing the cream and massaging my ba

nk y

e same tattoo

that can't be seen on another, are


uth went wide open, "Oh mine, you are so ha

moment," I


d, I am catching my fu

get them that was when I felt a sharp pain,

ink Simon, "Wha

wolf hunter is working with them, I go

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