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Last Bloodline (The Sacrificial Mate)

Chapter 5 Found My Mate

Word Count: 1077    |    Released on: 18/02/2022



ng the mask party tomorrow, it's time to

the mask party as a

so," I

ou are going to put on this

do you

to even agree to we

to do, fight my mothe

outfit okay, the mask is a bit okay but the dress, is

o you thin

right? Let's remake this outfit into something good, w

e dress and imagined a new design

I met you since I turne

u are someth

night making sure the dress beca

ame trying to provoke me, "I know you are happy to attend the mask part

t," I r

I need you to c

me take over and give her some scoldi

ant issues later, let's j

done," I replied to my sis

ighting combat, I will teach her a lesson

rything and ate the

rting the event when my par

not supposed to look at any person here eyeball to eyeball, you can't be friends with anyone,

, your father is stating o


tonight?" Red asked and

we will get rejected by him so let's forget about that and


you tell me you are going to atte

do and besides, I don't think my m

moon goddess?

I am

party? Besides the full moon was out last night, who knows, she

ut it, now leave,

hedule you will be having tomorrow, I will make

I added wi

office is better than your

party and we are coming home

t from my body and att

you rest unless you atten

ed to focus

g son, I did some shopping for you for tonights mask party, w

led getting

orde," Simon said smi

s time around, you know

o you, you need to kill your pride and

e up my mind, I

your silly mind, you a

e be calm,"

ut you a

ed giving me her sad look th

I was done dressing," Simon when I

o be killed." H

out from the car wearing my mask," Alpha Lorde is here."

arted playing while I excused myself to get a drink

it, Raja?

mate is here." He sai

y where you are." I commanded her and she obeyed, then I t

nce, dance wi

are you using your s

oy my first da

en I stopped taking off my mask, "Take off your ma

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