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Last Bloodline (The Sacrificial Mate)

Chapter 2 Hard Life

Word Count: 1099    |    Released on: 18/02/2022



dream to beat me now, this life is not fair at all." I added trying to stand up when I felt pains all over my bod

to deserve such from my m

d my outfit was covered with blood and

someone who will die soon, it will take time to heal since I haven't met my

arina, they looked so happy and mother kep

t, my father added to my pains, "Yes why are you here? Do yo

t again, mom got angry with me that's why she did this to m

iveness?" My mother added look

ather said using his wolf strength to push me and I en

w when my eyes turned yellow, the reflection made me see

I opened it and it revealed the pack nurse, she is t

Inject you with this to reduce your pains.

am not feeling these physical pains but the emotional

ove, with time you will get to see it and no, it can't tak

nds on my body then I said, "Ar

so?" Helen asked still

my sister met hers when she turned 18, is there even ho

e have early shifting and late shifting, you are just twenty who knows you might shift in the ne

ddess sent to me to give me hope in life and I am hap

I got snacks for you wh

d this morning." I took it from her eat

asy okay." She

at I just want to eat a pack o

I will be taking my

She left shutting

ill look refreshed then rush to clean the kitchen t

ted hearing lots of voices around, the moving truck, cryin

my chest looking at the mirror when I almost screamed, my eyes looking so yellowish and I could see ve

and the spin started again

ew days from now, all alphas will be att

elia, what if she.." I he

l, then I opened the door, I saw nobody there the

got the soapy water and mop to clea

mirror is different from everyone here

er, I stopped her,

uld hear this loud spin and my eyes.." S

shift tomorrow night being the full moo

d to leave while I went to the garden to wat

ng on the next moon with all the

ying, "Shut up your mou

see if someone was presen

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