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The Alpha's Human Mate

Chapter 3 Lies

Word Count: 1554    |    Released on: 27/03/2022

a soft lull mixed with it and it took all my energy

slip of paper. Apart from that, I could felt some students eyes drilling holes behind my head, Luciana had made me sit in the empty seat besides

" She asked me, loo

res that I was receiving but I s

at the clock, only


me through the hallways, students naturally paved way from the

energy, that running had tire me out thanks to my bruises and I

aths and just managed to keep an average grade in it. As usual Luciana introduced me to the teacher


haired lady, I instant

lo class) she said

dents including Luciana replied enthusiastically, I t

t, somewhat bewildered. "Parece que hay un nuevo estudiante en clase hoy. Por favor pre

e doesn't know Spanish' said in my direction, I couldn't take it to heart as Miss

isiete años (Hello everyone, my name is Renée McCartney


god. You can speak it fluently. Did you see how suprised Miss Camilla looked and the rest of the students. H

uages including English but is excited that I could speak Span

ally love t

le "well, she die

hurried as she unintentionally touches some of my bruises, I wa

t happened a l

lunch...then it's t

arranges in a beautiful manner. I didn't have time to stare as

a! Sit

have lunc

o's your ne


on an empty spot with me. I felt stares from all around me, some were confused, some were c


em" I looked and played with my nails which were plain compared to luc

uite an interesting person. I'm not so popular, my brother and ma- boyfriend are the most popular in

to find the most popular guys which might end up being eye

so they didn't come today. So wipe

n the cheapest sandwich on the menu "uhh I'm fine. I won't have anything, I'

ct. "Please, you have to eat something or I might have to shove it down your thr

g' I thought inwardly, tr

with a girl who was trying to

med as the

her face "I couldn't ask any of the m

for help, I'm sure a lot of t

end can get do jealous over this things, he prefer that he does it

slip when trying to mention bo

can get started with your makeover. I'm still g

carton of milk and almost spluttere

you" she muttered in betw

ange the topic "Why don't you

hing I ever wanted in a guy, he is my prince charm

going to ge

are like sug

heated up "No, I don't want

ent, I could almost believe that yo

rugged like it's

inny for my liking. Stop dieting and flaunt that body that ya momma gave

t diet, I tried to laugh and not sigh at her funn

re in need of a wardrobe advisor and th

d to decline but she wasn'

t would make every guy turn and stare. Who

guys attention to me. I have to look for a way to prevent myself from

r from seeing the

e have a complete

She almost screamed. "What about

He worries about me a lot and wouldn't wan

have to make him, the hard way or the easy

lt. "Don't worry I can convince him

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