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Searching for home

Searching for home

Author: Marieyoung

Chapter 1 Jenna

Word Count: 764    |    Released on: 05/04/2022

she discovered yet another of his indiscretions laying on her bed. What are

n's bedrooms. Her thirteen year old son Jared and her four year old daughter Jocelynne were at school but she packed what they might need. She had been saving whatever she could in th

plied. Wrong move on her part since Nick was a hitter at the best of times. She knew this

et and kind and he treated her so well. They had dated for a lon

ould yell and scream and call her names and she still loved him. Then after their son was born came the hitting. And because of his

owards the children with his anger that she could not take. So she started saving money. Slowly she was taking clothes and things t

ng up the suitcase and hit him. Stunned he released her and stumbled backwards. Jenna got the door

ng enough for the divorce to be final. Nick did not fight Jen

cenery. She found a job at a healthcare facility in Portree a small town on the Isle o

o nervous on her first day as a care assistant. She started thinking about all the things that Nick would say to her and she began to panic. Then she met Sue Mc Greggor another care assistant. Sue was

friend Jenna had ever had. Even though they were friends Jenna still had not confided in Sue about how they

ly Jenna is uncomfortable talking about it and that worried Sue. Sue wondered how she could be and effect

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