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Searching for home

Chapter 5 Jenna

Word Count: 550    |    Released on: 07/04/2022

that beautiful man. She hadn't realized she spoke the words until he cleared his throat and his cheeks pinked up a bit. Now embarrassed her face turning red she sat us slowly and shyly said I'

int all over again. Nick had never made her react th

n I find you fainted on my front porch and Jocelynne tells me that you are getting weird calls that you don

me I too feel like it's my ex-h

m. She was surprised at Hugh's reactions though. It seemed as if he was angry on her behalf he looked

ddy finding us Mommy". Jared said " It's not right what he did to you I was worried he was going to start in on Joce a

natural with the children.They seemed at ease with hi

fairs. Jenna had suspected they had been happening for a while but she could not prove it, so she let it lie. Sue said " well let's get dinner starte

e. And she said about the weird car in front of her house. Sue said "that was me I was in Hugh's car because mine had been taken to the shop an

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