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The rebel-wolf

The rebel-wolf

Author: Cobalt

Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1255    |    Released on: 21/04/2022

ll looking at the vast forest a

urning back to his fellow guards "So

le. With my small statue, this was a breeze. A rustle in trees alerted me that they were already close by. That was too fast. I could hear them around me, running ahead trying to corner me up. Not if I can help it. I

at them nonchalantly before I continued my work. "Who told you to ignore me, you fucking runt" he grabbed my collar yanking me away from the ground

is menacing look that sent cold shivers down our backs. Who could not fear them? He let go of me, letting me fall on my butt. He clenched hi

the hushed whispers from the rest. I just didn't bother to listen minding my work. He wanted me to hear him loud and clear. "Be careful I heard that sh

time to think, I was surrounded and about to be slaughtered. I tried once again, my legs gave out and I slipped to the ground. One of them emerged from the shadows slowly walking up to me. He changed back, the commander I guess he wants to finish me off

rabbing his side as he gouged his intestines out. Crying out from the pain. "Commander help me" he let out one last cry for help before falling into his pool of blood. The co

I stood up going over to him tracing my finger as they tore his flesh. He was complet

eth, he coughed out blood falling on one knee as he

t of the forest that was too silent. No night creatures, the air was still, I have a very bad feeling about this. I ran not waiting for whatever it was to come to find me. The ground was crumbling under my feet. Something huge was coming, the vibration of the earth-shaking it was coming after me. I couldn't run at full speed. I looked back to see the trees falling in the distance. If it was I think it is then I'm in big trouble and it was near. It was going to catch up. I checked the small bag strapped over my waist looking for my supplies, it fell to the ground scattering across the floor. It was supposed to be remaining. I search for a transparent bottle with a purple liquid inside. Yes, I

ed its leg to stomp down on me. Seriously, does everyone think I'm that easy to kill? I ran to the side. I can neither outrun him nor can It be paralyzed I circ

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