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And His Heart Betrayed

Chapter 7 Chap 7

Word Count: 1405    |    Released on: 08/11/2022

the superiority of dear humans walking around on this dear earth. Question the benevolence and its meanin

by three men, hurting her, and probably will kill her, and instead of even trying to help they

eving the fact that humans are still humans

e, asking people to endange

e a watermelon was shoved down my throat, trying to control the bulging of te

imed at me. In a split second, Just as I took a breath, The gunshot rang in the air. This resulted in me screaming and the man b

pants which were black soaking with a l

as the blood of the man who was holding me. I had my ears covered and was standing by the wall, feeling naus

. I tried to breathe in and out, deeply and calmly. My heart was going thunk thu

jerked it away, my hand coll

t hit him. The man who saved me. The man wh

His eyes bloodshot, His jaw tight. He seemed like a villain straight out of a damned world. He seemed lik

sorry," I

eld my hand and pulled me with him, leading us to the outside

back, at the disaster behind me,

lied because I knew he was right. I have already fi

how was over and they were here now. That was when I caught a glance

e came closer and the bartender left my h

shorter than him and a few inches he was wider than me. I had

father yelled at him, making me a

re," He sa

?" Wh

so he would hear me. He usually l

his head at me, n

im those men would'v

n?" Fathe

ards the entra

ened my mouth to say something but thought better of it and turned

had been right all this time that people need security. I was afraid that now he will never, ever let me leave the house without a dozen heavily

him a few days ago. The same person he closely looked at for the enti

him, eyeing his face cautiously for any expressi

one-word answer

? Beside The Reape

d question and took a few sec

real name?"


hy are yo


the word assassin, reminding the per

d Alexender," An emotionless face

r, a job title like that was not made for him. He is an assassin and the

personal interview wit


n assassin work in my bar until

erving drinks, no mo

in our meeting, Tomorrow he

wired and on high alert. I had two choices now, either to be afraid and feel stupid Or be too stupid to be af

mirror in front of me, My color was pale, my hair was disheveled, and my shirt is

interested in my story because she continued running the wheel while I spoke b

niffed the biscuit, looked at me, and ran away over her wheel. She seemed health conscious so, I left

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