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And His Heart Betrayed

Chapter 2 Chp 2

Word Count: 1994    |    Released on: 02/05/2022


hitting my face as the car was moving fast. The sky,

ollows me, whenever I am outside. So, I used to sit on the

know this beautiful piece of the moon is not

first and opened the door for me. He always

n standing there. I immediately recognised him, and I kn

oves me more than anything. He is always so sweet

le! Did you see th

the time. So, I took out my flip phone an

nocent smile a

, I am

rst time you have done this E

h the puppy eyes that always work, pu

to him, "My tyre flattened midway I was dri

n again, I asked you to take the Guards every time you go out, But

g on my back," I didn't want to show up with a bunch of overweight builders, dressed up all scary

ve stayed outs

as outside,"

e stayed in the

t is awkwar

face. Okay, he is actually pissed. I feel bad no

when I was very young hadn't settled with him yet. He loved her and still hasn't married.

and wrapped my han

ll good and well, Calm

do this, You nev

said still wrapped ar

leave the house withou

One gu


ne. Hire someone best in his field and we are

something about

night Dad," I said and

at about

ty, I had dinne

running up the stairs

u too! m

s. I sat on my bed,

as very handsome. Would I meet him again? Dang,

nna tell Amy everyt

ull by now. I turned it on and there were already a

her a

r with all

e was your knight

e an idiot, "But I don't know if we

med in

t with me or something, not even asked for a number, not even a win

wasn't just there, looking this hot. He d

ber after you acted all bitchy with him, he should have been head over

y eyes. Ye

ng hard to ge

quoted, he will be," she replie


ny ring? S

"Yes...I don't know, Guess I lost my chance," I said.

rl, No chance there," she stated the fact

google him

ow his


re you gonna se

dsome guy who helped me

nk that's g

know let

d google and searched. N

work and we both talked

elids getting heavy and decid

ll staircase on the other side. He walked up the stairs, it was dimly lit, like the w

ed it a

peeked from a

," he r


ice," He said. He

The per

This was just a test they like to

with vibration a

rson who opened the d

Mr Reaper?

Reaper asks

," the ma

mewhat lit, the faces were clear. A few peop

forties, sitting at the head of the ta

The Reaper was a part of, name Alexander Norman. A well

d in his pocket as usual, touching the handle of

alm look on the face, but those ca

der strike his h


he Reaper, moving h

ghed right here on my table with that f

nswer back," the Reaper said grittin

ave clear witness against him, He deserves to be treated the fu.ck

king weak, than him, w

directly," Reaper said, his

at?" Asked

heir place,

e scoffed, "As if they

placing it on the table and bending

ery place to get inside without bein

im for a while, "Gr

f someone leaks the in

that?" The sco

aid the

Said A

insane?" The sc

n you saw that bag of d

don't know what you

Ericsson, The trendiest pho

n Imperial gang. He provided quite the information on how Ri

l wasn't the only

t to be out or all of

oon as possible, I cannot lose at an

mperial I'ds would arrive tomorrow, We will

erstand, what this hunk of a men was doing in their gang, a weak one from many others. But he was contende

e same route he came in from. Sitting on his bike, h

m him and practically forced him to change her tyre. And just as he did, her

place and steal the drugs, violating the pact he made with the boss. Does she even know her father

st launched in 2002, to him when he won the first mission, back in 2003, from his boss,

assigned, to probably kill her father, or seize him atleast, Being the

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