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And His Heart Betrayed

Chapter 5 Chap 5

Word Count: 2569    |    Released on: 25/09/2022

should expect to see her. But he didn't realize it will be this soon a

amazement! He was entertained at least by her stunned reaction. The girls sat down and were having a chatter. A good friend, he could see they were

ring the minute details of people is just a part of coding his brain is made into, most

o fill her a glass of Irish Whiskey, with a please at the end. He turned around thinking about her good tas

she was today, And he found himself not as oppo

m that she was either those not claiming for one's class, else she would have bragged about belonging to one of the

istening smile when her friend said something funny, The way her eyes sparkled and clo

umans moving along with the music. The offer tempted her tipsy self and she followed behind her, reaching the floor and swaying her body to harmony. She didn't know the song but she couldn't care less. For a long time, trying to convince herself n

side to side, hands in the air, eyes half closed, intoxicating anyone who looked into them. So

ting and reminded himself back to his work. What he was doi

ost immediately and reciprocated well, he left. She watched his eyes as they moved over her body, and stopped at her eyes. They both stared at ea

one on his right lower abdomen. Gunshots. They had been healing and as the doctor quoted, were not as bad as they could be. He remembered the time he was cheated

back s

ne thought we lost already, But I didn't. I would no

to me and pushed behind him, using his body as a human shield, I

abbed him and covered myself, whilst going straight for a headshot of anyone in sight. I

bullet from the opposite side. The bullet went straight into my upper left

and one that hit my arm. We were done, at least I was done, and my

s, and just as I had expected, he was nowhere in sight. the

d looked down from the corner o

hemisphere of Vitale's base, the car

under any circumstances going to lose, and I had to save

deep breath, my grip on his guns tightened, and my heart raced. I walked through the hallways, running downstairs, shooting at every sight of a silhouette. I had almost forgotten the path I took while coming upstairs. A few minutes ago, I had two people with him, coming up the same stairs, ready to

ing in handy. My eyes were searching for Alexander and Vitale. Whilst all the firing, my eyes finally land on

taking Vitale by surprise. Two of his men move towards me and try to blow a punch. I grab his hand before it could hit my face and shoot right at his heart, and turn sharply to shoot the next one. Both of them fell limp o

And because I owe you, I have to ge

will become his slave, for him to kill when he needs time to escape the enemy," I said pul

h another wound in my lower right abdomen,

sible on his face. "You want me to yield, to back of-," "Yes, I wan

that he would again violate," He said, "That

ourse, he would give a shit about your rules and treaty and so should you," I s

right-hand man, asking him to

urning around. "Oh and I resign

the poor man. "I wanna leave this shit for a while, It all has ta

take a long

ound to this duty, this fil

ling with annoyance and somewhat pain from

becoming something, the lust of making a name for yourself. I trained you, watched you. Dark forces resid

y, walking straight to my bike. I left for the hospital, while h


g step to changing his life for the good. He could interact with people, drink, and maybe enjoy his time there

ng fun, an image of her father with his hands on his hips and a frown on his face waiting at the

g, and noticed a different bartender. His shift had ended.

, all-tired, and aching body, with a racing mind. a very bad combination.

She cringed at the sound of big metal gates opening for her car to enter. The car halted in front of t

tomping on the stairs and a loud screech of 'I am home', She was in her room. The room was dark, only being illumina

. she fall on the bed, on her stomach, ha

o be when she completes high school? All she has to herself is the title of being a Vitale. that was it. But was it actua

in her heart, while she was sitting on one of the stools, in

ke interest in her? And just because she is a Vitale, with beautiful features was not eno

d achieving something of her own, On which she can be arrogant and prideful. Something she had a

ny, a struggle to write the most perfect book, being rejected several times and then becoming the highest paid author with the most read book, to be a black woman from the conservatives of minds, and making her name as the most

s more than de

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