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Fated To The Alpha Demon

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1376    |    Released on: 06/05/2022

the Alp

of two diff



d was being control; only my heart was freed. I was hungry, and m

elessly on the ground, her body paled and scary. I kicked her as

very much alive, and so as my mom; the queen, both are alive. I was an Alpha from

after I clocked eighteen, my wolf fully came out. I could remember viv


be a full werewolf.” I said to my mother fo

d red streaks, “Now go to sleep my dear, tomorrow is a big day for you.” She close my eyes turning off my lamp, she stood up giving me a p

teen and finally having a wolf and yo

my mind. “Hello, I’m Dren your wolf.” He had say, my

lities as an Alpha. I jumped out of my window in smile asking my wolf if he’d want to

sform again in my life with every of my bones shifting and twisting, I cou

ran straight to the woods, with his paws hitting hardly against the ground, I was so happy I have no idea we’re clos

nough run and long way far from home.” I said

lied, he came to a sudden halt a

orb; a big one, a white light was emitting from it and the woman was containing it at the large of

we have you naked even though I remember my cloth shredding to pieces when I turned. I thought of a cloth covering me and boom I was in a cloth. Pr

s voice came asking again, this

hard at the orb as if the light coming from me is controlling me, I almost touched it when a force sent me flying backwards

the orb in my hand before it could fall and break, it was a shiny w

dn’t know when I mistakenly drop the orb and resulting in it breaking. “Kid

could kill them or chase them away, they all came entering me. My pupil kept cha

the woman standing some feet away from me tearing her apart, my eyes widened in horror when my mouth stretched it length eating the whole of the woman’s body part. In t

, and like my body heeding to his control I started searching around for what I don’t know in the woods at

again when I screamed. “Stop!!

ve me a pitiful smile coming close. “Pls tell me what’s goi

ou’re an Alpha, but that doesn’t me they won’t ask for food. As from today you have become the host of the ten deadliest demons; they aid nothing but destruction and chaos, they live to destroy the world, and you’re cursed with them forever; together you both shall dest

e apart and eating them to satisfy the ten or wha

raight into mine body. “There, you won’t have to tear them apart anymore, but drink there blood instead, and is up to


ifferent wo

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