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Fated To The Alpha Demon

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1464    |    Released on: 06/05/2022

the Alp

of two diff



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one that have the best scent or my nose up sniffing hard and deep, n

aven’t said a word or spoke to me, he deserted me and I

ess pain and torment, if I don’t feed on blood quickly it also alwa

home or ran away the same night so I won’t hurt my love ones, I wonder if my parents eve

way to go visit her, maybe she could help me

hit my nose was the blood scent of the innocent dwellers. If I should s

they could just come out and let me kill them all. Little pains started surging up my body, I could

her house. I dragged her into a dark corner instead, my eyes turning full black looking at her straight in the eyes. “Do not scream!” I spoke in numerous dark voices, she no

e demons in me, and healing my hurting heart. I can’t control myself whenever I suck bloods, I always end up killi

ing for. It took me not more than few minutes to locate her, and where she lives. I stood in front of the little hous

e my explanation and story, and how I would ask for her help. Yes I might be powerf

othing came still that resulted in me placing the third one; this time harder and louder. I heard an approaching footsteps and quickly have a

e asked immediately h

exactly or immediately ushered me in, she gave me some we

utiful flower, there’s another house standing in front of me. I admire the flowers more; I’d surely pluck some to sniff whenever I get to be alone with the; it has a

sition with her hands placed on her laps, and eyes closed; wasn’

her face, trying t

gs you to me?” She asked with such a calm gentle soft vo

eed help finding my mate.” My eyes caught a moving skeleton,

find each other.” She replied, her

don’t then I’m getting more dangerous to this world.”

’re dangerous?” She snapped her finger and both of us are sitting already on chair; it cringe how she d

dangerous now lives in me, and only my destined mate can cure me and get rid of the thing finally, and if not soon I might have destroy the wo

because I can’t help you find your mate

world.” I might sound a little rude, but I need her he

t lives in you

I replied, and a loud gasp left her m

e across them?”

nna count how many innocent people have killed in total for the past o

till can help with something ‘unles

” I asked, an op

orrow then you’d wake up tomorrow, if it’s today then you’d wake back up today. And then you won’t have to worry abo

my feet, emptying the juice in my throat and

up will be ten times hungrier and monstrous, meaning you could go haywire

ell what it’d cost me or my heart whe


ifferent wo

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