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Fated To The Alpha Demon

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1329    |    Released on: 06/05/2022

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a day before Ava’


ing for them to arrive. Tomorrow is gonna be my last day here and I won’t be needed. Tomorrow is t

I owned here packed. If only I could just celebrate tomorrow, with a lo

parent’s face popping in, I sit up fro

y are you ready to go home?” She a

just celebrate graduation day with my mates tomorrow. They should know

aking his seat beside mom, there i

then three words to them. They exchange glances before urging me to go on. “Can I celebrate my graduation here and

s dangerous.” I separated immediately I heard her say that. What’s dangerous about me celebrat

My voice came out low. Why would my parent turn me into

ry consoling me, because the tears in my

my life.” I pleaded sounding so desperate. There is more to my life that this two are not telling me, why w

nd you talking to people is normal for you, it’s you who doesn’

at won’t happen if I’m always stuck alone-“ My dad wanted to talk but I raise a finger signaling am not done yet. “If I’m always stuck alone all my life, I was homeschooled till ten, you enrolled me into this boarding school because I cried blood; and yet I’m still homeschooled in a boarding school.” My voice b

to promise us something.” Th

my eyes lightening up

uch your skin, we’ll come pick you up by 7pm sharp

t w


just by standing one minute in it, and we don’t wanna lose

e is changing, I say more then three words today, and then smile. I just cannot wa

already.” My dad checked his wristwatch standing up

should at least for once see what my school beauty has to o

came crossing in front of me and blocking me from making a further move. “You guys are off duty forever, my daughte

when did they always resume to work, I thought a

s guard me and I never knew.” I sco

le, I thought you’d someday find a way to break out and break your

er being that.” I saw my mom nudging dad; like to sto

ir Lexus jeep; I think they just bought this one, becaus

llow them take me to school because I won’t get to see T

riving away from my sight, I smiled lightly at the v

ecide to eavesdrop on them. I took a shade when the first girl spoke up. “Greg didn’t take me to

er had reply, sounding so mean. “The party is

t. I must see Trey and maybe confess my feelings to him, he need to know that h


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