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FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN (Billionaire Romance)

FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN (Billionaire Romance)


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1286    |    Released on: 05/05/2022

end Unice as they sat on the sidewalk in front of

sica had talked so much about Stephen that she alre

like my dad," Jessica continued, "I can not wait to pass the civil service interv

nd over again. She had reached her limit and she di

nterview. Maybe it was just a mistake that you got through the f

iolated. How could someone she considered a friend say such

am just saying that it could be a mistake, so do not be

end after all and should wish me well and enc

tired of hearing that. Oh! If you want to pass the interview and get a job and then get married before me, I am sorry, because that's not going to happen. You will

the interview. I am going to make it into government service and I am also going to tell Stephen about

out that," Unic

ally doing this, leaving everything she

friend Christian behind. She was already estranged from h

each. Something she felt she could reach if she just stretched o

oment Jessica had told her about the

n Jessica, who was picking her up from the airport. Long-distance travel always made her tired a

p at the airport," Kylie said into her phone. She had

nd now all she wanted to do was

elay and it will be some time before we get to the airport. You might just sit

walked back into the airport, which was still swarming with people eit

hot chocolate as suggested. She also grabbed

thirty minutes had already passed. "Where is Je

lie, wa

not even noticed that she had dozed off while flipping through the

me," Jess

ver since we last saw each othe

, something came up and the traffic

now is to have a hot bath and

d the feeling. I am really so

irport. Jessica drove to the apartment where Kylie w

ings ready for you, and dinner is in th

ck you up." Jessica said to

tomorrow," Kylie said. Fi

in bed, which was really comfortable and fluffy. She remembered that she had promised to call Christian as soon as s

swered after t

t's me.

lly glad to h

nt well. I hope you have sett

you for asking," Ky

ow why you had to move so far away when you could have stayed here

s film. I just needed a break from New Hampshire and my life in general. It's n

What about us?" Chri

t us just take a break from each other and see how it goes," Kylie replied firmly. "I

hes. I'll talk to you later," Chris

ne better than she had expected. At least

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