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FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN (Billionaire Romance)

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1323    |    Released on: 05/05/2022

the headache hit her hard. She went to the medicine cabinet and took out some ibuprofen to fight the hangover. She looked terrible, her masc

hopping after she got the car. Then she remembered. The car. Kennedy was on his way to her plac

p this late without having a shot of coffee made

ed to see him again now. At least not the way she looked

on a robe. She went ahead to open the door, after all, it wa

surprise it turned out to be Jessica. "I thought Kennedy was

to you, too. You were obviously lo

ylie lost her composure

sica, but to herself. She had been expecting him, but she

dress of the car rental place. But do not worry, I brought breakfast." sh

ready suffering from coffee withdrawal syndrom

and started unpacking them. She pull

e. "This is delicious," sh

a plate and joined in. "You really need to go shopping,

hat today after I get t

edy will be com

ed. She had thought she wo

inished what she had just sa

y, sure. No problem, I'll just freshen up

essica said, pointing to the

She was excited at the thou

the drink that had made her nervous around him. Now that she would see him with a

ied only a light sheen, pinc

aid to Jessica as she came out

her phone in anticipation of Kylie. Kylie locked up and followed Jessi

she finally h

ything else you have done for me. You really are

nothing," she

sition here very easy, and I am really grateful for that. I do not think I woul

I love you and the fact that we are back together. I was not happy

" Kylie said, remembering the

the car, "I guess I have to go, and do not forget K

since Jessica had mentioned it. She wanted to take it easy. Although she

t have to pick up a few things fro

aid, getting into her car. S

take care of Kennedy when the time comes,

sip of her beer. The crowd was loud and rowdy, but she did not no

here visitors could enjoy the ambience of the surroundings. She had provided food, fresh honey and various drinks. Everything had been going well until the bees decided to join the party. A hive had fallen from a nearby tree and the bees had stung the people in the area mercilessly, probably in revenge for the fresh honey. The perfect event had turned out to be a big disaster and

lized she had exceeded her limit of two bottles, but still she ordered another

here was no way she was going to apologize for a wrong she had not c

marks on her b

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