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For Vengeance I Ascend Once More

Chapter 4 The King Meets The Family

Word Count: 1790    |    Released on: 15/05/2022

nds of years worth of cultivation being shattered in a brutal fashion and he

the same realm of power as himself was impossible, especially considering tha

felt his Realm Essence being absorbed into

lost the lustre of immortality and grandeur of

t Edmarch had used a certain treasure he had prepared for this moment to make sure that the

owerful King lose everything, including an immediate

to not light up the entire World abl

o different from a mortal's. It emitte

mbling from the unbelievable amoun

his eyes locking onto Edmarch

here his heart was supposed to be. The replacement that Freidris had created had been dispelled after he lost his strengt

his broken bones and torn skin on his chest emerging with a healthy tone as well.

ng receded. Even his soul was mended, however, the wou

r once before showing a slight s

d presence of an expert in high realms started

deep breaths as h

ength w

ack to s

felt were immense, yet

ody moving towards the direction of a brigh

t the scenes of the fall of his kingd

a certain house drew people away from h

had tried calling to him but were ignored as t

g the house. As the door squeaked open, the rushed footsteps of a certa

but halted when a deep pressure eclipse

between her and the figure at the door whose face looked dark even

than anything else, the figure of a small child try

his vision, the slaughter from his sword and the background of an intense war vanishing slowly and being

otions while wearing a shocked expressi

llowing in his grief. As he saw the girl before him, Freidris lamented at the fact that the

memories, he recognised

ter. Denva's sister. T

ir and large aquamarine blue eyes. She was slightly chubb

he large kind, but with a flexible texture and round like apples jammed to

nd and wore a bright smile

e," he said i

mosphere vanish and seeing her br

rushed over towards him

firmly, the sensation remindin

! Call me Chubby Chubs Charlie," t

s he lifted her up and walked down the hall

her cheek lightly

ng red hair and aquamarine blue eyes came from one of

eved smile, hid

nva," she said

was Denva's mother. Synthina. He recalled that it was quite late and

you I'd be home late," he said with

tone of her son that transcended the norm. Seeing his genuine apology, whi

your dinner heated up. Go sit in the

aring the face he thought

ige and worn-out wallpaper that was falling apart on the walls, the light bulbs expelling a diming light,

eaking chairs in the dining, he saw

a TV stand upon which sat a

ories bit by bit. He had managed to learn the language here seamlessly through Denva's memor

right. She looked at her broth

va's thoughts, kne


back in shock, her l

you know?!" she as

ris s

ways reel in shock when someone found out

In a white clay plate was fine white rice with swirls of chicken soup

and his body violently quaked with hu

was emb

na gig

ield World Essence," she said with a smile before glancing at Charlie who's e

up his sister and sat her on his lap. Soon he was eating with

f the rice before patting her stomac

ther. You can eat

ying. She was merely being considerate. The issue of this family be

h it together, Chubby Chubs," h

nervously accepted the spoon

ate away after receiving a grand sho

spoke to Freidris who was carry

re you'd love to be there," she said as she looked at Charlie who was bar

at the little

her worry ag

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