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For Vengeance I Ascend Once More

Chapter 7 The King Goes To School

Word Count: 1904    |    Released on: 15/05/2022

d was cal

amount of World Essence, in comp

rgy, it was revolutionary. While continued exposure to it had varying effects, h

on a World. It was a by product of continuous production of organic matter by a World over a long period of time. The longer a World existed,

f a World, but it had it

e as time went on to become powerful individuals. Animals also evolved over

ia. Asha to the North, Erosa to the

s, with each continent treating i

ontinent were quite similar,

y in any matter, thousands of eyes would look at your shadow for your back

estament to how deeply rooted i

ces, each with their own segregat

ts, education and histories determined where exactly they would live. Neverthele

with lower numbers, while the opposi

r name; limited horizons in their education and n

rtain trio were walking briskly through

h stealthily as he fel

would make me feel like what I experienced was a dream. I hav

oul, but he couldn't bring himself to let it all out on the sweet Charlie and

had already started to impact his mentality. Not by a great

ut with different iterations betwe

ld not

ood he lived in as he had been unable to last night. Being literary blinded by rage had c

cess touches that could make the small cottages feel more like homes. The

cross its build. Several old cars would stroll on it,

world was a quite behind technology-wise. The fact that the use of World Essence was not in

ant to do after school?" asked Jase. "Tha

this piece of information that he had stumbled upon in Denva's memory that made him sigh in

as you Denva, but... let's just say that dreams don't always come true. Not because yo

"He'd let you waste your t

y since I can't do what I want. I'll do what needs to be done for the time bein

d the same dream as him, but co

hrough the Districts and participating in different local tournaments. It was her passion ever since she was young. She was

hting stronger opponents and learning new sty

a giant obstacle in

," Denva said. "What good is it to share your drea

d punched Denva's

an get. Even from someone as

be touched. "I'll also add that desire on my ever-

hook hi

the right and saw something that he had already experienced in Denva's

d, the image of a terrifying lev

d experienced. Flattened buildings could be seen, darkened by the flame that had

he felt in his sou

m Es

in a daze as he looked at

t make you want to be a Se

Denva as his


e Col

ery excited to be fi

entered, the almost unending classroom rows built to accommodate the majority of the students for public education by the National Authority and the small fields behind th

as hosted by the schools as limited funding was provided by the National Authority. It was a norm for the stu

ing to the words of their teacher. It was a final advice that he ren

figure, a full head of grey hair

your future. The rich are so for a reason. In our world, World Essence is becoming a

er go down the old road with a simple office job, or a unique art, sport among others. Or... you choose to join the Gallant

e time. He and Jase were in the same

o find out if he could get more information

es that pla

would spontaneously appear anywhere in the Wor

arried insane amounts of strength that called

he GEA. It was an organisation built to groom fighters who wielded World Essence in order to fight these monsters. It h

orce and everyone knew, which is why when it cam

or the wealthy and strong to enjoy. If you try to break the natural order those men and women have created, you'll become a casualty. Lower your head as far as

m now the GEA will host a Selection for potential recruits to be nurtured. You

advice,' t

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