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For Vengeance I Ascend Once More

Chapter 10 The King Receives His Allowance

Word Count: 1210    |    Released on: 15/05/2022

e entire District, marking all the spots that

looked to be in his forties with an unkempt beard and deep set hazel

n," h

re a grin as he went up to h

pay me a visit for all this time? And he

er once in a while," said Denva as he l

e a break," the man said he ruffled Denva's h

ing if you have some wo

as such a bore. A waste of your World Ess

dn't be here right

before nodding and patting Denva

ell down under

them require physical strength and the pay

As he focused on Johnn, he could f

d Old Tess at 8am tomorrow," said Johnn

e a lot for the nex

when he was looking for a part time job. With the accumulation of World Essence wit

World Essence within themselves to strengthen their bodies.

ked over to a scene he wante

itan. Naturally, people steered clear of it as th

got when he stared at t

d Ti

did. They were not some random monsters that just appeared to cause destruct

sence coming from the s

Essence will ensure that my path is h

uestions that he had mulled over a

ad aimed to hide within a Realm where he could strengthen himself again and later

inned it on Edmarch but it was impossible for him to do that. This was the work

g back here so

s, he hea

anted and now, he needed one thing


ople could do to escape harsh reality, he had found a place to earn m

sundown. As he opened the door, a streaking fi

in!" a sweet voi

s Cha

g for her brother t

bs," said Denva as he pi

oons of your food for my forgiveness,"

va as he walked with her

ol?" asked Synthina as s

cheeks until they were reddening while

," he said. "Is

as she leaned over to Denva. "He said somet

that yesterday," said Denva

set down the p

. Benedan looked a lot better than yesterd

o be a Seeker rig


ite me being your regular dad," said Benedan. "This job has

constrained. This time, it is for my family. For yo

held h

t sit well with anyone who has children, son," he said as he looked at Denva. "I would have

now dad. I can contribute to the fa

ave a sho

ight has borne fruit but I see something else is mot

a few notes and h

ticipating in the Selection. I wish I knew what exactly you need to

ook the


ely," said Denva as he resisted

gave him

ou will,"

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