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Entangled With The Mafia Lord

Chapter 3 iii

Word Count: 1392    |    Released on: 25/05/2022

you've got a crazy mouth and tongue, girl... One hell of a crazy mouth." His words warmed my mind

se I will. You have no idea how hard it was for me to stop myself

h a chuckle as his right hand wrapped itself around my throat, the cold

te." He whispered against my lips, his lips moving and brushing against

desperate for anything I’m willing to give you, right?” It felt like I couldn’t

elids which now felt heavy lidded f

ened to the highest volume. “Desperate for? I want you

to give me.” I rushed the words out like I was be

dirty and being all forward when i

o being forward in stuffs that concerns

room and how I was almost never in the mood except when I got drunk or high

inding me of how timid and boring I get in the bedroom, and how I wasn’t the v

the club with them since I was still obviously hung over my stupid boyfriend who I found out he was cheating on me

apartment, so I didn’t bother calling him that day since I wanted my arrival to be a cute surprise only for me to insert the key i

ay. I even went to Magical locks store to get my hair officially treated, styled and curled - I closed my eyes and spent all th

anted to hear. His fingers unwrapped itself from around m

him until my whole neck was fully exposed to his hungry gaze. My lips p

atching his teeth on the same spot and I jerked up a little, a harsh

y mind as it vibrated on the sensitive skin of my throat

esperation clawing its sly way into my voice. “I know,

n my shoulders and turned me around until I was facing away from

chandelier and smaller lights to distract myself from the sexy man standing behind me and

, his fingers trailing a zigzag line on my naked arms. Goosebumps bloomed wherever his fea

g to give it another try, “I want to choke on your fingers a

y tugged on my nipples, my head fell backwards on his chest as I pushed my titties more firmly

asked as he abandoned my hard nipples to my

ingers wrapped around my throat as you fuck into me

around until I was facing him again. I was breathing h

gripping my bubble butt, hard. I moaned into his mouth when he squeezed my butt cheeks before pushing my skirt down until it gathered around my h

His lips moved lightly against my lips again, giving me zero chances to respond to his question and I didn

t he caught my tongue in between his lips and sucked on it, d

eleasing my tongue. "Just fuck me, please." I panted, I was so horny, it felt li

ollen lips appearing lighter than it was a mo

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