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Entangled With The Mafia Lord

Chapter 7 vii

Word Count: 830    |    Released on: 25/05/2022


e and in no time, we were p

the glass door and glanced around. Nothing seemed out of place, the cars were parked neatly in a particular ar

ot smarter than I am. I pulled out my gun from my suit trousers and cocked it

part leading to the back entrance that leads into the gym and instructed, “You go through the ba

d already disappeared from my sight. I pushed the door of the gym open,

nts and some against and on top each other. Some had gunshot wounds on different parts of their body while some were just unconscious with needles still embedded deep in a particular vein in t

he far edge of the room, a groaning man who had a gunshot wound to his leg caught my

ers clutching his bleeding foot. I resisted the urge to

head in agreement, if everything wasn’t so fucked up at this very second, I might have snorted but ther

d screams around me and before I could turn around, people start

t since I didn’t do anything and the

ght information I needed. “You saw

n pain before continuing. I looked at his wounded leg, he was losing a lot

and I think a woman. Oh and the

ey shot him or something, but he was unconscious s


he color of his hair?” I demanded.

s hair was stained with red, like he got a bleeding head wound or so.” F

ough?” I asked instead, already itching

t. I was sho

ed angrily bef

n you he

? I pushed up to my feet the moment Lucas' vo

of help from the man and was before Lucas in the next second. “What did you

handed me the letter and


wouldn’t be dead at this point. Don‘t s

all tonight


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