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Entangled With The Mafia Lord

Chapter 6 vi

Word Count: 1371    |    Released on: 25/05/2022


tapped on the buttons repeatedly when the fucking car felt like it woul

en and I shuffled in and stood at the very edge of the

there but wasn’t physically there - my whole mind was on her and I was scared for her - for myself. I strode into t

nger brother. The car speed was on the highest but it still wasn’t enough, I wanted to be at the hos

ut this is the fastest I can go on these streets and since some officers are always situated aroun

eath as my head fell back against the head rest of the car seat, this is going to take ages before we get to our

normally does. An average height man dressed in a gateman uniform pulled open the m

and walked towards me immediately. We met halfway and I had to force myself from giving into the restless urge to pun

look...” Tristan was about to say something but

a scream from one of the rooms upstairs. I raced up the stairs

called you once the doctors carted her away for

“Fuck.” I ran my left fingers through my black curls and cursed

obviously used a silencer since I didn’t hear a gunshot sound. A

ike I was supposed to, I was too worri

t to get back at me? Who the fuck is this cursed person? So help me lord if when I lay my hand on this particular person that gave out this order, I’m goi

out tentatively. “What

m too. But don’t fucking pour your anger on me,

marred with a little anger. I took in a deep b

home and I shouldn’t even be snapping at him. I should at least

g just kept getting stronger and stronger. “It’s fine. I’ll have a word with t

y were both sixteen years old and already had a

gun which was why he always accompanied Nicole

ely with the guys practicing... unless...” He trailed off and widened his eyes wh

ed for him to have a bodyguard the moment he started getting involved in the family business if not he would have declined the suggestion since he already believed he

n started when the phone rang for more

ng shot in her own bedroom - somewhere that’s supposed to be her save haven, fuck!

mediately. I turned away from him and pulled on my ha

As if I didn’t figure that out already. Who the guck are these people and what do they want that they had to use my siblings

oposed, hoping to God that nothing bad had happened to Nicholas. “Auden...” Tris

n him to say whatever it was that he was about to say, I grasped his shoulder

eyes and shook his head a little as if he was fighting the obvious emotions away

as back to my emotionless state. I turned away fro

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