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Tale of Two lovers

Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 1500    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

ob, she lived her life to prove to her dad that she could be more than just a daughter, it was no secret that male children were more appreciated than the female but she was ready to be a male for her

rted, evidently uneasy about the topic. "Even your son agrees, a wise son you have there I tell you." Simon teased. "What can I say? He is his father's son." Jacob jokingly says and everyone laughed. "Simon, I still think you should go have a talk with her, she barely ate anything before she ran off, you know how stubborn she can be at times." Evelyn advised. "Have the maids take her food to her room." Simon says and Evelyn gave orders to a nearby maid to take food to Sophia's room, few minutes later, the maid returned with the food left untouched. "Your highness." The maid bowed, Evelyn waved her hand to her, signifying that she could speak. "Lady Sophia has locked herself inside her room and refused to let anyone in." The maid said. "Didn't you tell her I was the one who ordered you to?" Simon questions. "I did, but she shouted that she didn't want to see anybody, and when I kept knocking, she opened the door and threatened to gouge my eyes out if I knocked one more time." The maid explained. Jacob burst into fresh peal of laughter and found it hard to say a word. "You have a tough one here I tell you, she has the body of a girl and the attitude of a boy, i'm impressed." Jacob managed to say in between his never ending laughter. "Oh dear!" Evelyn exclaimed as she face palmed herself. "Sophia is throwing tantrums again, what have I don't to deserve this?" Evelyn asked no one in particular. "She's upset about what I said, I shouldn't have been so harsh on her, I'll go talk to her." Simon offered. "I'll come with you." Evelyn says. "No, stay and keep our esteemed guests company." Simon suggested and Evelyn nodded in agreement. "Excuse me for a moment Jacob, I've got a little dragon out of control I need to tame." Simon says and exits. Simon walked to Sophia's Chambers and when he had reached her room, he knocked lightly on the door and got no response, he took a deep breath and knocked again. "Sophia, open up, it's me." Simon announces. "Go away!" Sophia screams from the other side of the door. "I'm sorry for what I said to you Sophia, please let me in." Simon pleaded. "I am not annoyed at you father, I just wish to be alone." Sophia says. "I just want to talk to you please......" Simon cooed. Sophia grunted as she reluctantly left her bed and opened the door for her father, Simon steps into the room and looked at a angry looking Sophia shut the door tightly behind them and turn her back on him. "Soph...." Simon called out, in an attempt to sooth the angry Sophia. "D

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