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Tale of Two lovers

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

ent for him! Mistress taught me to never greet an important personnel empty handed, always gift them a present and always compliment them, listen attentively to what they say an

Sophia paused in her tracks as something unusual caught her attention. A young boy probably few years older than her was at am extreme edge, he was staring at something intently, Sophia followed his gaze and discovered he was staring at the statue of Jared; the man who created the White moon pack, he was a great and valiant werewolf and they all are his descendants. Sophia smiled to herself, probably the boy was admiring the statue, who wouldn't? It had precious emeralds as eyes and diamonds at the framed shoes on his leg, she loved hea ing stories of his bravery and how he won many battles, he was her role model and Inspiration, Sophia turned her back and was about to leave the boy when something else caught her attention. The boy began to move closer to the statue and when he was just few inches away from it, he looked around suspiciously, Sophia hid behind a pillar when she sensed that he would look at her direction, peeping from behind the pillar, Sophia saw the boy reach out and take out one of the diamonds arranged at the feet region, Sophia closed her mouth as she gasped. It dawned on her that the boy was stealing the diamonds, she scanned him from head to toe, he was wearing expensive apparel, he looked like the son of an important person, but then she had never seen him anywhere around before, he was a third. Sophia looked around, there was nobody in sight, making it easy for him to stay, tye boy suddenly turned his back on her and began to leave, Sophia couldn't watch him just steal something and leave so she called out to him. "Stop right there!" Sophia half yelled. The boy kept on walking, ignoring her words. "Are you

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