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Tale of Two lovers

Tale of Two lovers

Aweda Hiqmat


Why does conflict always have to come In between peaceful coexistence? This story is about a girl named Sofia, her pack and her child hood friend's pack, which is actually a neighboring pack used to live peaceful. Till they discovered an hidden forest that had the power to give life, they both found it together, the two packs wanted to claim this forest, so it lead into conflict and disagreement. While all those was going on, Sofia and Niel her childhood friend have already fallen in love with each other, and were ready to mate, but the conflict between their parents is a very big treat to their relationship. They didn't give up either, they stood for the love they had for each other, and now, it left to me to bring back the peaceful bond between the two families. Do you think their love would be enough to do this? And what is the possibility the won't have to break up? Find all this out, in this exciting and interesting book.

Chapter 1 ONE

The day was shining bright as any other day as everyone at the white moon pack went on with their usual activities, the women can be seen tending to their little ones while some men were either working out and training at the guard's practice ground or patrolling the pack, others were at their various field of expertise like hunting, weapon forgery and the likes.

Little children flocked played around in the pack, playing pretend, the Alpha's abode stood firmly upon the hills, sovereign and posed as a guard spot over the whole pack, everyone loved their alpha, he was a peaceful and easygoing man who placed the good of the pack before anything else. At the Alpha's abode is his only daughter; Sophia running around and giving her wards a tough time. "Your highness, come back here, stop running please, your clothes will get dirty." Maria, one of the maids said after the retreating figure of a young Naughty Sophia. "Stop running after me, I promise to be back very soon." Sophia yelled after the maid. "Your father would be angry if he discovers you are not where you ought to be, your mistress will be here soon." Maria announced and paused to catch her breathe. Sophia stopped running and shouted back at the bad. "Mistress Chloe will be here soon?" "Yes she will Sophia, so quit running around and get prepared for your lessons." Maria beckoned. "Yes Maria..." Sophia says sadly with her head dropped down, she reluctantly followed Maria back inside and opted to change her dress in preparation for her lessons, immediately Maria left the room, Sophia smiled to herself and seized the opportunity to sneak out of the mansion. She disguised as a servant boy and managed to pass through the guards and servants in the mansion. Once out, Sophia found her way to the pack's training guard, she had always dreamt of been a warrior but her dad disagreed, he said her job is to be well groomed and trained to be a great luna in the future like her mother. She sighed in satisfaction as she watched the big looking men practice their fighting skills , two men were involved in arm wrestling, one of the men swiftly dodged the other's blow bent down and swept him off his feet in few seconds, the process was soo fast a normal human wouldn't see it happen. Sophia turned her attention to two other men at the far edge, she squinted her eyes and her iris adjusted itself to view the scene at the far distance, she was attracted to a sudden screech that broke out, turns out one of the men had wolfed out. To some part of the world shape-shifting human doesn't exist, they were referred to as myth, well Sophia was as real as anything and she belongs to a very powerful pack of werewolves. The man who wolfed out was definitely an omega, how did she figure out? His wolf was smaller, it looked weaker and thinner; a distinctive characteristics of a werewolf. He was been beaten up by his opponent whose wolf was a lot bigger and looked powerful, Sophia fantasized growing up to be the most powerful female werewolf around, but her father would be enraged if he ever found out she was out here. She spent the following hours watching sword fights, wolf battles, training and vigorous exercises, she was lost in her reverie that she forgot all about her lessons and her father telling her his long term friend was coming over that evening! Almost on queue, all the wolves began howling, it then dawned on Sophia that it was almost nightfall, her father would be mad at her! She hurriedly fled towards the mansion, hoping her absence hasn't caused much trouble. All the guards were dispersed to find Sophia after the maid had noticed her disappearance, Sophia sneaked into the mansion, carefully avoiding the guards who apparently were looking for her, she successfully sneaked into her room and changed her dress into a proper one. Sophia opened the doors and two maids came rushing in, worried about her. 'My lady, where have you been? Your father has asked after you and was disturbed when he discovered you weren't here." Maria says. "I needed fresh air so I left, where is he now?" Sophia asked with a calm demeanor and the maids were taken aback by her unusual calmness. "He's at the dining quarters, awaiting your arrival." The other maid says. "Is there any other person there with him?" "Yes your highness, the luna and other guests are there." "Other guests? That means father's awaited guest has arrived, I'm ready to go, let's go." Sophia ordered. "Yes, your highness." The maids chorused, closely following her from behind while some guards escorted her to the dining quarters. When Sophia arrived, her father gave her a stern look and her mother's tensed face seemed to become livelier. Sophia swallowed her saliva nervously and went over to greet them. "Mother, father.." Sophia says as she slightly bows and took her seat. "Where have you been?" Alpha Simon; Sophia's father sternly asked. "I went out for some fresh air father, I'm sorry I scared you." "Didn't I tell you to never leave without your guards? Don't you know there are rogue werewolves on the run? What if you were hurt? Your mom has been sick worried about you Sophia, you also skipped your classes, again." "I'm sorry father, it would never happen again, I promise." "Sophia, do you know how worried I was? Please don't ever leave without your guards ever again." Luna Evelyn; Sophia's mom chastised lovingly. "I promise I won't." Sophia says and smiled. "That's by the way, remember my friend whom I told you would be visiting today? He's on his way here right now." "Really? Excuse me for few minutes please, I have to get him a present Sophia says as she immediately ran to her room.

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