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The Billionaire’s Beauty

The Billionaire’s Beauty

Aweda Hiqmat


Diane is a lady who doesn't care what the world says about her, betrayed by love, raped and also losing her parents because she trusted the guy she loved, she has closed her mind off to the concept of love. She doesn't hesitate to make her thoughts known to whoever is ready to hear her but after being labelled a mad woman she keeps to herself mostly. Mounting tension about marriage and her parent's wealth from her extended family turns her into a ruthless and cold person. She meets Ash at the funeral for her deceased parents and they have a one night encounter. Naturally she throws him away and acts like nothing had ever happened but Ash isn't someone she can throw away. He is intrigued by her and he vows to make her feel the same thing he felt when he was given the cold shoulder, he vows to make her beg for him. In his quest and with his entanglements with Diane, feelings develop and trust is built but there is an obstacle, the same one that killed Diane's parents, now come to kill her and anyone who will stand in his way to making Diane his. Lies, deceit, passion and trust. Read on to find out how Diane learns to open her heart to someone again and get revenge on the person who turned her cold from the inside out.

Chapter 1 One

Ash pulled up his Audi Q4 sportsbackin the curb and stepped out. He is the kind of guy that you secretly wish would come out of your fantasies and out, into your world.

The types that had ladies swooning over them wherever they went and had them all at their beck and call. He slid on his raybans as soon as he got out of his car. It was past 3:30pm, but the sun was still burning hot.

The sun was intense and seemed to just match the hotness of his body, but he really could bet his life on it that Veronica and all of the other ladies would argue he was hotetr. He grinned to himself amusingly.

If only they had come along with him. Not that they turned him down, they would have gladly followed, but, he actually never asked and doubted if he ever will. A not too innocent smile which soon turned into a smirk played on his face as he approached the porch, reminiscing his moments with Lily before he stormed the road down here.

The thick aroma of God-knows-what Mark, their family chef of over sixteen years now, who was recruited shortly after the death of Ben, their former chef, was preparing, stormed Ash's nostrils pompously.

"Damn!" Ash cursed under his breath. He store to the kitchen where Mark was busy stirring in some spices into a pot of hot soup.

"Markkk!" Ash whined, moving close to him and peering into the pot over his shoulder. He closed his eyes, inhaling the aroma which was now thicker. Mark was laughing as he watched him sniff the air. He was used to him doing that. Ash drew back and grinned sheepishly at him. "I think I've had enough," he let out. "that should satiate my hunger till it's ready." He said smiling.

He rested against the island at the centre of the kitchen, pressed his palms on the surface and propped himself up unto the island.

He caught sight of a pack of cookies that was already eaten halfway and fished out two. Mark had resumed at the cooker, he reduced the heat and turned to face Ash.

"You sure know the way to my heart," Ash winked at him playfully.

"can't wait to see what genius you've made out of spices and food this time around." He winked again, reaching for the pack of cookies and again fishing out two. It was safe to say the both of 'em were close.

He was a chef that doubled as an elder brother for him right from the moment he stepped into their house sixteen years ago. "When did you get back into the city?" Mark asked, leaning against the sink right across him.

"A couple hours ago." Ash replied. He slid off from the island and walked over to the fridge to grab a pack of juice. He resumed his seat on the island, and just when he was about opening it, Mark's words made him hold back.

"You might want to hold on for a few minutes. It's ready." He announced, turning off the cooker completely.

Ash groaned in frustration, he had no idea he was famished, not until now, but a smile also creased his face in anticipation of the meal. Mark was soon done dishing both their foods and Ash took a seat on one of the high kitchen stools nearest to him, with his food on the island.

Mark took the seat right across him too. It was a simple meal of brown rice, but, the hot soup wasn't. It was spiced with various assortments, mushrooms, chopped beef, crabs and many more Ash couldn't really identify and name. "Damn, Mark!" Ash exclaimed wide-eyed.

"This is amazing. I sure am going to have you cook more of this, cos' hell, I can't possibly get enough."

"And would you ever cease to flatter me?" Mark asked, his face wide with smile. He had missed Ash, no doubt, the house had been practically nothing short of empty and boring for him, since he became a fully independent adult. They kept in touch occasionally, but, it's never been the same.

"I doubt if I ever will. Not when it's true." He answered and winked at him again. This got Mark laughing hard, it reminded him of many memories he's had with him in the past. Ash dashing out winks in dozens had become more of an habit.

They talked over meal, discussing about the recent women in his life. "Now, don't give me that look. Not that talk either," Ash warned. "you should know by now, I don't do relationships. And that's not changing anytime soon."

"Ash." Mark called calmly. "I mean, why the hell would I want a relationship or crave one when there's so much fun outside of it? I'm okay with my women. They're fucking alright with me too. That's beautiful, and trust me, it's enough love for anyone." He replied.

"Oh...well, maybe not for everyone, but it is for me." He corrected. Mark sighed. " Alright. Just be careful out there." Mark cautioned.

" Sure, man." Ash replied and raised his right eyebrow twice in quick motion, then laughed. Mark shook his head and smiled. He was pretty used to him already.

"Where's dad and mum?" He questioned suddenly. " They're out. They have a function. A funeral." Mark answered. Ash furrowed his eyebrows. " The Rose?" He asked. "Yeah." Mark affirmed.

" Oh..." Ash mumbled. " Cool." "Yeah." They ate the rest of their food in silence. Ash finished up his meal and dropped his plates in the sink.

"I need to be somewhere, Mark." Ash announced, grabbing his juice. " Thanks for the meal." He winked. " Will see you later."

"Sure." Mark nodded in reply and watched as he walked out the kitchen door and heard the front door slam shut seconds later.

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