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Feral things

Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 1658    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

ngs nothing weird and out of the ordinary again or I might just slump", she murmured in frustration. She brushed her teeth, had her bath while singing her favorite song, the only song s

phecy has been Revealed. Carla's is the chosen one who would defeat the evil of the Scourge” “Huh””, Jasmine was having a hard time processing it. “About her abilities, I do not know the powers she will possess or if she'll possess anything at all, but it's only fair to see who you'll be fighting soon don't you think?". Without waiting for Jasmine's response he continued, "I have sent Rafael to test if she's gained some abilities and also prepare her for what's coming". ******** Clara went into the Library to get books on creatures, maybe she'd be able to identify what she saw. Rafael was outside, waiting for Clara. He was a vampire who could walk In broad daylight but not without sun shades alongside a werewolf named Diego. "Abilities we need to check are healing,strong sense of hearing, seeing what only an immortal can see, strength", he said to Diego. "It's been a long time since I've been on a mission. This is going to be fun", Diego thought out loud. Carla was out of the library with some books and had a feeling she was followed. She sighted a weird pale skin guy, with outdated sunshades. After walking a few miles, she was sure he was following her. "Yo ! Stalker", Carla stopped abruptly and turned. Rafael was startled as he wasn't expecting her to see him. He looked back, then to her. "Yes you, why are you following me, and you make it so obvious", she said. "definitely an amateur", she added. "No ma'am, I'm sorry, I followed you so I could give to you the money you dropped, didn't mean to give you a scare", Rafael lied. "Really?” Carla was barely buying it. “ Thank you. I'm sorry for what I said." Clara apologized. He just nodded his head and left immediately. He knew already that her vision was supernatural. To test her hearing, he followed her slowly behind and said some threatening words to watch her reaction, if she'd heard. But she gave no reactions so it confirmed she had not yet gained the strong sense of hearing. Now to test her strength, he staged a heavy wood from the roof to fall on him just in Clara's path. "You again?" Clara's surprised by his presence again. "Help me young lady, please." He pleaded. Clara thought of how she could help him, but it looked a bit heavy so she called for help. "Try lifting it up yourself, doesn't seem like anyone's coming to help," he said. Carla tried lifting it up, with Rafael giving her moral support, but she couldn't so he just helped her lift it off him. He thanked her and clumsily walked away like he was in pain. "Seems like she doesn't have great strength either", Rafael told Diego. "It's your turn Diego". Diego used a handkerchief to cover his nose downwards so he'd not be easily recognized. He posed as a gangster who wanted to rob her and put a knife to her throat. Everyone scampered for safety, a security guard called

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