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Vampire King's Obsession

Vampire King's Obsession


Chapter 1 Lucifer

Word Count: 1083    |    Released on: 02/06/2022



ting in from nowhere, flashed on the throne, which was adorn

den, stood on their feet, and maintain straight faces

illed every inch of the atmosphere, followed by a dark and intimidating aura, sendin

th a big black cloak, on his body, the big hoodie, covering his head, makin

ll, which your fingers would itch to touch at every glance of it, his flawless and spotless skin, glows, even under the darkness, his eyebrows, are thick and looked perfect on him, making him more handsome, his long eyelashes, are longer and beautiful than that of most women, his eyes, are the rarest color, deep green, shining brightly under the darkness, his thick black hair, cling

basement of a mansion. To people, they believe that the house is just a mansion, but no one kno

to the den for research, but none of them ever came out alive, and the secret behind their

their feet, nobody dares to look him in the face, nobody

e. They keep drowning in their own fear, as they awaited what the king has to say. As much as t

me vampire, stepped out to the front, his gaze strictly fixed on t

o look at the vampire, standing before him. His face held so much danger, and

t seconds, he appeared again, but this time, he had someone else with him, a young man, who was looking

knees, and he could only, a

down at the man, but the smirk only lasted for a second, as it diss

nt you?" His cold deep voice came on, as he stared

but his mouth failed him, as it only trembled. Balls formed on his forehead, and his whole body trembled in fear. As much as he want to run, he know it'll be pointless, he know that he can never outrun the devil, no matter how he tries to, now he found himself, regretting ever coming into the den,

down their spines. His dark and intimidating aura, keeps radiating in the den, consuming every

gazing at the floor, while anticipating for

slowly, until they grown into fangs, his perfect fingers, kept growing, until they were now claws, his aura darkened, igniting their fears. In

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