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Vampire King's Obsession

Chapter 3 We're screwed

Word Count: 1141    |    Released on: 02/06/2022



cturers kept coming in and out of our class for teaching, and at some point,

e door, before storming out, with Nina, walking beside me. Gosh! I'm so damn hungry, if only I had known that they were going to take forever to get done with the less

hined, as we walked through the hallway. She's so damn lazy, she's worse than me,

nny about this now? I love studying, but it's natural not to like a particular lecturer, right? Our literature teacher disgus

e than devil himself." Nina ran her fingers through he

t we go visit the restaurant downtown, who knows, luck may just shine on us, but I do

orm, and I don't have a dime on me either, what do we do? Is this how we're g

but no one ever know what we're going through, as we always smile, and act like everything is fine. What do you expect from two best friends, who are born with an iron spoon? I don

t stop rolling my eyes at her, knowing she wouldn't come up with something helpful. She'

ll help us." I scoffed, while clutching my hands on the hands of my backpack, as we walked through the veran

e'll go back and pay when we have the money." She smi

now? How can she even suggest we do a thing like that, huh? For heaven sake, we're two adults, even if

rugged, and ro

ke that? What if they trace us to the dorm, and disgrace us? I can't d

back, just to save our lives for today." She whined, as sh

ed climbing down the staircase. Nina can be very crazy when hungry, not that I'm differe

y, my ulcer

ing me to do what she wants with this ulcer stuff of hers, and it's so annoying. The truth is, Ni

, and hugged me tightly, before grabbing

, while running with her

staurant, and I glanced at her, giving her an 'are you s

s in. Stepping inside the fancy restaurant, the aroma of delicious pasta, filled my

alking over to the set of chairs, close to the door, we sat down.

chicken laps. At least, if we're gonna do thi

e, in order not to look suspicious, and after almost thirty minutes, we finished our food. Aft

Nina leaned in on me and whispered, while I

rned to run, when I collided into a strong surface, a

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