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Vampire King's Obsession

Chapter 4 Tour

Word Count: 1164    |    Released on: 02/06/2022



trail of blood from his lips, before teleporting to his throne again. Staring into spac

rden. Appearing in the garden, he sighed softly, his bloodshot eyes, gazing into space, as the gentle wind, b

ever, he finally teleported to his room, and in the

efore reaching out to his leather jacket, revealing his breathtaking abs, which no one can resist

ch were now wet, and clinging to his face, to his not too long neck, and when his han

towel, before hanging it dangerously around his waste. Running his fingers through his hair o

time to dry his hair. He could hire maids to take care of him, right? But they all sucks him

esser, he walked over to his cabinet, and opened it, as his eyes ran through the tons of clothes in it, which a

mirror, dressed in all black, with a black sungla

his car keys from it, before heading to the d


ig mansion, and I climbed it, till I got to the room, where it ended. Stepping out of the baseme

untered to the door, before storming out of the house, and straight to the parking lot. I just want to go out

t wasting time, I hopped in, and drove out of the compound, and soon, I was already on my way to God knows where. Since I got no part

forever, my instinct suddenly told me to stop, and I stopped my car in front of a fancy restaurant. Stepping out of the car, I clo

, keeping my gaze out of the window, while maintaining a straight face as usual. Humans keeps trooping in and out of the restaurant, but I was able to suppress the urge of

ad to look at the source of the voice, I was welcomed with a youn

your order now?" She asked

y. I haven't tasted any human's food in my ent

, after a long silence, without a

ass of water?" Her voice came on again. Anger surged through me, as I stared deeply into space, bu

mply, even if I know I haven't tasted it

was holding, before walking away, not after taking

oss me, eating. Looking closely at them, I found them suspici

er voice in my head, and I smirked, as it da

rted walking towards them. Once I got behind them, I waited for their action, and as they turned to start running, o

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