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Author: Anna Kendi


Word Count: 2204    |    Released on: 26/06/2022

had no neighbors but only listening to the sweet melodious voices of the s

e only reason for their happiness s

tching fantasies so I always wish

d them I wanted a tattoo on my thigh instead. My mom scolded me

reak the promise I made to them to not move out of the house. Slowly but steadily, I broke out of our house and entered the thick Forest. It was very

The animals seemed friendly as they didn't try to feed on me. I was scared of them at first but later I realized they were n

nowhere and appeared before me. It sounded

i hi" song and I liked

home. Still my parents were not ther

ing how the bat sang for me a nice song in th

ew my parents would come bac

de my house chores and went. This time I went directly to the big tree but unfortunately my friend Bat was not there. Maybe it had gone somewhere else.

s around but never seen anyone. I got scared but had no where to run to.

at, my friend Bat appeared from nowhere. She

as also aware that I li

disappeared and I felt

friend Bat there. We became friends an

ot fearing anything because I knew my friend would

y but I didn't care. Whatever it was, I liked it because I had found a

too on my thigh and he told me not to worry about it so much. T

r. On waking up, I felt much pain in my back. Something felt like a huge wound on my back, I rushed to the mirror to c

hing but disappointmentat the moment before I went back home to find my mom still asleep. Heaving a si

t see the pool of blo

this early mor

side walking in

hen you get cold."she w

eft her in the living room, I was feeling un

d started talking al

meet me in the jungle. I cried for some

ring the day but thin

ne else was in my room. I could feel someone's presence, his brea

nd I feared to move

m and even checked under the bed but I saw nothi

put that tattoo on my back. He told me it's not a mere tattoo. It's a magic

with my friend Bat about the tattoo on my back. I stared at her with my eyes widely open waiting for her to say s

not easy. I could fake a smile

" I asked after a long wa

spend some time with my daug

already stressed out and worried because of what my friend Bat had told me in the dream. I was still terrified but wanted to pretend to be fine

e together tomorrow. I still

ck on you since I have heard you screaming


so lou

hing else out loud?"

I will leave now. Sleep tight

ss. That was

to my bedroom this time otherwise I would be

yes, still thinking about the dream an

something inside me was forcing me to wake u

tasted so good to me. After there I went back home and found m

ck to my room

Bat, someone else voice was thanking me for feeding him. I

much about this dream. I t

friend. What could have stopped him from meeting me the other

w could I befriend a b

e meals smelling so awful to me. I sensed that something was wrong with me,

self." No please friend, this can't be happening to me. Don't let your tatto

was going to force myself to eat something for Mom n

the tattoo became so visible on my back. I knew a

returned home. We were happy to see him again but unfortunate

diately dropped whatever he had in the hands and started to scold me. All the sm

sked me to stop crying that he doesn't lik

rs and started looking around f

ne who understands me much. I know you are very close to me though I can't

waving at me from a distance. I could see he didn't want to

run to him but he ran back too. I got confused and stopped so

ever considered me as a friend." A lot of questions

onsidered you my best friend in just in day but it seems you don't care about my emotions. Why can't you see that you're hurting me. Can't you see it? Anyway, but why am I even mumbling all this when you are n

e together chatting and having fun like how

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1 Chapter 1 LIFE IN THE JUNGLE2 Chapter 2 ESCAPE3 Chapter 3 TOMORROW'S MY WEEDING4 Chapter 4 WEDDING!5 Chapter 5 AT MY IN-LAW'S HOUSE6 Chapter 6 DREAM7 Chapter 7 THE TRUTH8 Chapter 8 REALLY 9 Chapter 9 LONGEST NIGHT10 Chapter 10 MY BLOOD!11 Chapter 11 YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!12 Chapter 12 MY SHADOW13 Chapter 13 MIKE14 Chapter 14 LOOKING FOR MOTHER15 Chapter 15 ARTIE IS DEAD!16 Chapter 16 ANU'S REMARRIAGE17 Chapter 17 SAY YOU LOVE HIM18 Chapter 18 COOKING COMPETITION.19 Chapter 19 REGAINING MY MEMORY.20 Chapter 20 DAD'S MESSENGER21 Chapter 21 OH NO!22 Chapter 22 ARTIE IS PREGNANT.23 Chapter 23 SWALLOWED UP IN A SWIMMING POOL24 Chapter 24 ANU'S GRANDPA, NIKKI25 Chapter 25 SMITH IS MISSING!26 Chapter 26 SKELETON!27 Chapter 27 HELP ME28 Chapter 28 PEMA'S CURSE29 Chapter 29 ARTIE IN THE MERMAID'S TUMMY30 Chapter 30 MIKE TO MARRY 31 Chapter 31 THE MARK32 Chapter 32 I DON'T BELIEVE YOU33 Chapter 33 STOPPING THE WEDDING34 Chapter 34 TRAGEDY35 Chapter 35 NOBLE IS DEAD!36 Chapter 36 I CAN'T DO THIS37 Chapter 37 ANU KNOWS EVERYTHING!38 Chapter 38 MIKE WANTS REVENGE39 Chapter 39 WHERE'S EVERYONE.40 Chapter 40 OH NO! IT'S TIME.41 Chapter 41 WHERE'S OUR SECOND SON 42 Chapter 42 DON'T DARE KILL MY BABIES!43 Chapter 43 IMPOSSIBLE!44 Chapter 44 TWO ARTIE(S).45 Chapter 45 BATTLE46 Chapter 46 GRANDMOTHER47 Chapter 47 BREAKING THE CURSE 48 Chapter 48 HARD DECISION49 Chapter 49 SMITH'S IN COMMA50 Chapter 50 FINALLY MANI IS BACK51 Chapter 51 LOST MEMORY52 Chapter 52 MANU53 Chapter 53 WHO'S AFTER MY BABIES AGAIN54 Chapter 54 MISS CUCU55 Chapter 55 MY SON'S56 Chapter 56 MISSION57 Chapter 57 THE TRUTH58 Chapter 58 ANU 59 Chapter 59 HOW COULD YOU60 Chapter 60 ANU'S MOM61 Chapter 61 THE SPELL62 Chapter 62 AT THE SEA63 Chapter 63 A GIRL64 Chapter 64 WAITING FOR THEM65 Chapter 65 MEET CARLOS66 Chapter 66 ALONE67 Chapter 67 MIKE'S DAUGHTERS68 Chapter 68 HAPPINESS ABOUNDS69 Chapter 69 WELCOME HOME70 Chapter 70 POSSESSED71 Chapter 71 DAD'S DEATH (ANU IS A NEW KING)