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The Oath of Love.

Chapter 3 So persistent

Word Count: 2492    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

oesn't want to talk to me for

houting!" Roxie

t, Blaire." Claire, my sister add

That guy is so annoying! I shook my head. I was the one who appro

him and is he acting like that

like that and why did he still choose to ignore

o laughing so hard. So, I looked at the

ng? Stop it! " I said an

g girlfriend, Blaire. You shouldn't

iend, Blaire? It's inappropriate." Lev ask

he was t

ch made them laughing again. What's their

e this! I shook my head a bit

s nothing but the only one carbonara that I cooked yesterday. So, I need to go

palms in front of their face so they could see me here. And that me

only buy groceries every two weeks. I leaved them th

it's suspended, I don't know the reason. But,

vegetables, fish and chicken, also Junk foods, biscuits, drinks in can, and ingred

iar face on the first counter. I quickened my pac

know that he was here. I mean, I just kn

ot speak, again. My brows furrowed and I just

to be heavy with what I was carrying. Well, I'm really having a hard time

hen I knelt down to fix the pla

He offered a help? O

he other plastic I was holding and walke

my sling bag. I got the key and accidentally, it incl

I asked him, I also

was about to take the necklace but I took it

I keep this?"

is brows

s always," I smirked. This is too precious to se


you left this with me, remember?" I sm

. I just thought that it

sn't," I s

He tried to take it from me

is mine no

on!" He tried to t

e I was holding the necklace. He even follo

too. He bit his lower lip again. I don't know why he did that. I felt it awkward and

e like you, because you are so annoying," He sa

ut then you rejected me." I suddenly pushed him and went in my c

efore I go. I also noticed the astonishment on his face. Maybe

I ugly? I'm not! Duh! Doesn't he know how to look properly? Maybe, he n

lly, it's really hard to study but I need it, so that Cla

re walking towards me. I noticed that he looked sad or di

I asked as she sat

laire. And she said, she can only send you because th

me. I don't care, okay? Come on, Claire. Don't mi

me on my luxuries! You know, it's very unfair, Blaire." She fr

ignore her. She knows nothing

Her reason is

. I k

daddy for help. What d

allowance immediately." I smi

s, Bla

urrowed. "

beside me, you always take care of me

, Claire!" We smiled to each

r, it is rare. I love her so much, she is the only one who understands me, too, because our parents are always away. T

that?" I looked at


re did you get that." I smiled as they g

es widened in shock, and suddenly jumped on

d while giggling. "Oh

have a relations

r status no

hing happ

g like that, okay?" I looked at the T

from him forcibly." As expected, they hit

had something!" The

threw a pillow at me while also laughing. I did not hi

one beeped. I took my phone out of my pocket to see who it was. An

'll go th

: Sure! W

re now," I said with

is problem is about the woman again. A minute later, he was here.

That girl is not healthy for him! I know that in the first place, she is

for you!" I said at Treize as

She's not my problem, anyway." He sai

rst time, my heart beat quickened. Do you believe in that? I think I'm inlove but I also think th

bedroom and Treize was just there on the sofa. Well, he underst

e are yo

saturday and we're already outside the university. We just finished doing

t her. "Ju

Blaire. Am I right?" I gigg

have to come?" I asked but she just smiled and walked aw

have a class or research anymore so I can go anywh

nd a woman. Who is that woman? Maybe, his friends, I guess? After

lowed him. They walked, all at once. I slowly followed

d them until they stopped in relatively unoccupied

us. Why? And there, my eyes widened when three men punched Luke

hatever. Then I saw a policeman on the other side, I ran f

friend got beaten up there," I

e is

and the police followed me and then I poi

immediately ran but of course the police chased

okay?" I ask

. Okay?" He answe

use I saved you but you still mean t

topped me fro

ere, that I shouldn't save you and mess with your

ed when a polic

at the police m

so much for your he

s my job. How about your fr

r before look back at the policeman. "Yes, I think he's okay

end. Anyway, you two cute together. Why don't you

and I just shrugged before walk away, leaving him t

t! The policeman


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