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The Oath of Love.

Chapter 5 A date

Word Count: 2663    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

re you

dn't help but to look at his body, it was like pouring a few something liquid and

a shirt first?" I told h

He said and immedia

ould I do? Hindi naman pwedeng ganito ako kapag nasa harap ko na siya. I should a

ad a bit. This is so really ridiculous!

ut of his room. "What are you doi


t it? Why is he asking

an come here, and you answered me yes, right? And.

plaining to

any message from you? And, I took a bath fo

out of my bag and open the messages. I have a proof that I am tellin

I just chuckled because the

s I crossed my arms in front of my

you were lying,

for me." My brows furrowed eve

es at me before he retu

he also immediately returned to my side. I looked at him, confused, and


ghed a little when he didn't answer

the messages. Maybe, Clayton my friend used my phone e

in front of me is apologizing? Really? I smiled at

ogize," I said while still p

t!" He took

" I said the

laughing?" He

ere cute when you are mad

mad!" He

at me," I sai

hed. "

n more when his cheeks suddenl

he got up and went to the kitchen. I followed him and s

l. I approached and sat in the chair at the center ta

did not immediately answer him instead, I a

y here for a w

he suddenly choked. I immediately get a water and gave it to

worriedly and he just n

again?" He stuttered, cann

eat and looked straight at him. I took a dee

week?" I did the pupp

e before answering. "People li


e! Come on! It

T-shirt. I thought that in that way he would ag


ust a week. L

of my

ee f

ne!" I let go of him then smiled broadly. "B

ed in my car. I'll go and get it now," I

full of clothes, pants and everything I need. Sometimes, I and

hing as if we were a couple and used to it. I shook my head a little while giggling. We a

' attacks him again, it's too much. Thought I had

th me, because we both had nothing to do. I was so hap

e wants to know about me and I will answer that, I wi

t the question and both of us will answer. I found out about it from my older

hing," I said proudly as we

everything you have memorized about

same as mine, adobo. You are Dean's lister since highschool. Your parents are always on a business trip. You love cooking but you love me more. Your hobby

des, I added that he was a good kisser and in bed. I'm so naughty! He glar

n the bed. I sat down and looked to see if Luke was already

looked at my wristwatch and suddenly si

ty of what I see around me, I just stared at it. Too stunned to speak. This is amazing, especially at night because I can see and appreciate the lights of

, Bl

when someone talk. "Hey,

ep?" He asked as he walk tow

u here?" He chuckled like

" My brows furrowed and I

lready feeling a bit awkward. I was the one

w up?" I asked wit

ntil I turn 8 years old,"

him, and he looked at me. "I

gged. "

who prefer to live abroad than in

I was even more surprised when he came back with a long chair, that two people coul

at next to him while we were on e

estion, I don't k

ow. For me, they should learn to a

ummed but I

ean food, Japanese food than Filipino food. Well, maybe I am one of tho

ed here in the Philippines for four years, I still prefer the th

I want drowsiness to visit me but no

nd before?" He suddenly aske

need to kn

ow tone of voice, stuttering, n

He sipped


two break up?" He asked again, he

I leaned my back against the back of the chai

knew that but I don't want to say now

st sleep," I said when I f

hen. Luke did not follow me. I just washed my hands and put alcoh

to my ex-boyfriend. I closed my eyes and stopped thinking a

from my phone. I picked it up at the bedside tab

" I s

morning!"] Oh

I said as I woke up

d you just to say that we have no class today

f the call then went back to sleep

h as well. Looks like I'll be left alone here. Maybe I'll just clean

t I also stopped at the same time as my eyes widened, I saw lu

"You don't have a school?" I asked, I

said in a

condo, so it can change its look

the condo. Is he mad? Why? My brows furrowed because of his actions. B

lus I'm hyper, because I ate a chocolate bar be

widened when he saw me sitting on the couc

I asked, his brows furrowed as he lo

hands were both in his pockets but

ings, I just cleaned. Promise, even if you look, I haven't changed

sed." he

are we going?" He didn't answer m

lean myself and get change, you're so scary."

h-waisted skinny jeans with a white sneaker and my Allen Solly sling bag-The minimal

he was also dressed already. When I approached him, he immediately stood up and looked at me from head to

, I'll think this is a date,"

bout what you want to think." He said in a ser


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