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The Oath of Love.

Chapter 4 Luke is so hot, huh

Word Count: 2406    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

's eyes were blurred," Luke sa

are so choosy. Don't you like it? We're cute toge

ook directly into my eyes. "Bu

t where my heart was and acted hurt by what h

aimed and looked at

n the side of his lips. He's excessively t

nt me to just treat his bruises outside. He said it was better for us to just be here for our safety. But that's okay, at

her everything and put the medical kit

lix, even though I haven't been able to let him know if I can use it. But befor

t me but he immediately looked away like it

food?" I asked a

it! I sighed and stood up and went to the kitchen to ch

never be in shame though it's really embarrassing to ask someone if they has a

e sky turned into an orange makes me feel more hungr

h, right?" He asked

little. "Is

ed he has ordering some food for us. It was embarrassing. But on the other hand,

asked when he put down

said. I frowned and I

ed his arm in front of his chest, and then faced

w? You're the one who brought me

omeone rang the doorbell. Maybe, his orde

and I texted Claire. I said I might be late coming ho

ome late or they will ask me why I came hom


h his phone and I was busy with my food. He had a smile while typing and then he was also a b

hat, I was just on the sofa watching Netflix. And Luke was still busy

idiculous. "Are you done chatti

oking at me. "Yes, B

lower lip to stop himself from smiling so wide and he did. He loo

he looked away,

ry, babe?" I really emp

" He's blushing. Oh my god! I giggled

e when you're blushing," I sai

ush." He stuttered

u still are." I


the mirror so you

lf. I just chuckled, he looks so cute really! When he saw that I

proached him and leaned my head on his s

etflix what we could see there. Just a few hours ago


nd the room, I was suddenly nervous. But when I remembered what happened l

I also checked in the kitchen, in the living area but he was not there, maybe he already left. I was about to leave but something caug

ng table. It's up to you whether you ea


.After a minute, I left because I'm sure Claire and the others are looking for me b

straight to the bedroom and took a shower. I also charged my phone because it was dead l

e loud noise outside my room. I got up and went

ile I was still

!" They greeted me

e last night." I sat on the

ssage us last night." I

ted out and sh

ie said while ea

fell asleep. He tries to wake you up but you are re

ll asleep there." They just shru

talked nonsense things for a while. After that, we ate dinner t

p but I can't. I took my phone from the bedside table then scrolled

stagram, then I saw his account, I clicked on it and it looks


y caught my attention though he i

ghed heavily before I

m hi, are you

nutes before I re

Yes. You

re: Luh

se you message m

an choose not to repl

r, five, but he didn't reply. I just put

sterday. Sunday meeting. I just talked to our president if can I attend to the ne

ed at the coach,

hed him. "What's u

d I want you to know that next week is the

?" I asked in shock. "That f

one week to do everything you want. Becau

then sighed befo

I would have planned not to join this year but, I don't want to disappoint them, o

hat will I

I have no one to be with in our condo. Claire and Anne have a date. Lev wasn't in the condo

topped the car because something came out of my mind.

e you there a

iately. Wow! Tha


: You jus


Did you eat


h him? He's real

e: Can I


our answers is always yes

o you have a

uckled after I tap the send button


shock. I didn't reply and ju

't refuse me, right? Besides, I have extra clothes in the back

r. But too many people lined up. Is it broken? Or

floor. I took a deep breathe before stepping up the stairs. Well

or, I gasped as I walked o

head against the door to breathe a little. When I was pretty

knocked a few times again but no one opened it. I sighed. For the last time, I h

gaze slowly become lower from his head to toe. I looked up at him again. He is

hot for f

't know that I'm going here and as if he

nodded. I take a gulp and trying t

here?" He a

should... come again next time,

looked at his hand before looked up at him. He stared at me for a long

e said in a low but baritone voic


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