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Secret Of The Cold-Hearted Beauty

Chapter 2 Meeting the rude jerk

Word Count: 1721    |    Released on: 01/07/2022


d you shouting," Mrs. Alejand

e was in my dream," Kelvi

son, it's j

her all the time, is there something I nee

n and forget about it," Mrs. Al


stopped him with a

rating, what possibly cou

k I will just go ou

and left for his roo


humming a song and dancing as well not minding the

her, almost running her over. She gasped holding her chest in shock and just then


well. I live with my grandma. My parents a

few weeks ago, grandma suggested that we

nds and childhood memories behind but

irl and I hate to s

heading home to inform my grandma and then "boom" I found myself in front of a c

hock when the dr

pink lips, and beautiful full brows. Oh, I must be in heaven right now, am g

he handsome guy harshly said to me and that

?" I asked coming

would you be walking carelessly on the road like a lost p

sh this one must have stayed in hell for ages, an

t is your car doing on a pedestrian lane anyway? You almost r

th a smirk and I gently looked around, oh I was almo

uld have blown a horn, maybe you don't have one, you can j

t the hospital, you need a brai

ed to see your fellow animals" can't be

itch" He said and angrily tur

you my picture since you crazily admire m

rool over a monkey," I said and now I

entered his car, and

plied him almo

ng home, no animal can ruin my h

living room reading a newspaper. She

her and hugging her so tightly

randma said and I realized

am just very happy" I sa

by so happy?" Gra

e it, I got the scholarsh

, come give me a hug," grandma said spread

s being there for me," I sai

s always been there for me ever since

side and eat your food after that we will prepare for you

plied and went stra

t of one of the most famous schools

hes if any of them dares me, if you must know, I don't take shit fr


ompound and alighted from h

back from spending a lonely ti

le fancy bag with matching footwear. She looks really simple but also as beaut

ion heading straight to her room and

e her room was opened, it's Michelle's second room. she quickly

she yell

d in the Win

nswered appearing

nd room up there? Who moved out the st

verything in that room should be

d in her loudest voice p

nn said and made to touch h

ery damn thing in that room brought back before the next 15 minutes otherwise I will burn down this f*cking hou

he compound, we will do as you

to give me the keys, every

will do as y

ars and the maid Ann ran out like her pants were on

l. I will send them to hell where they belong if anything goes missing in that room, I will cut off th

her off as she stepped into Michelle's room

. She has been the one taking care of her Right from when

ithout stopping, you might lose your mind, so calm down

it and gulped

an order? That room means a lot to me" Michelle said in tears as she

ether so you won't hurt yourself," M

s like h

et go off the past. Let it go, all of the

so lonely, abandoned, and em

that's enough, stop crying, lie down, and get some

he bed and just then a kn

is here to see you,"

fucking leave that p

but she wouldn't bul

and answer her," Mrs.

to fulfil that wish," Michelle grumbled as she got up

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