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Secret Of The Cold-Hearted Beauty

Chapter 3 The crazy bitch

Word Count: 1759    |    Released on: 01/07/2022

e living room to see who ever

helle questioned on sighting the you

her very good f

ur maid not to let me in and here you are staring angrily a

d everything wrong," Michell

le, she pleaded for me not

get out and never show your face to me again," Michelle yel

I am sorry, plea

will never change anything, just get out," Michelle yelled frustr

Clara called but Miche

while and then quiet



some files when his wife angrily barged in

ike that, is there something wrong?" Mr Winsto

mean every freaking thing" she s

why are you looking all work

w could you do such a thing Winston?" Mrs.

re getting me confused and I am quite busy as you ca

Michelle's second room, she strictly warned against th

and I need to get her back to her senses before

e most? You know how much she hates it

and don't forget that she is m

orst you could have ever done

about loosing my ears," Cam

titudes are just so annoying and don't forget

ry, I regret everything I did, not like I am pr

as well. She was once a very lovely, cheerful and happy daughter of ours but look at what sh

in this game," Michelle said happily, sh

s," Mrs. Winston bragged as she s

m almost there,"

let that happen,"

see mum, you are

aid knowing fully well that sh

won," Michelle chanted

me give mummy a hug," Mrs Winston said

came a voice from the


oom will help her recover fast,I meant no h

now the pains I go through everyday knowing that my o

cry," Mr Winston said going close to his wife but she sh

verything already so stop worsening things. I have had enough al

Winston said but his wif

dward you are a devil and I wish you die gruesomely," Mr.

was going through and



ts were settled in their different classes w

om the restroom and she mi

itch, she is fearless and sassy, most

lso very

ed before looking up to see Michell

e new girl in my class?" Reina said looking

nd hand them over to me," Reina said pointing at her books that fell whe

re" Reina shouted but

KS HIGH?" Reina asked her friend Rose wh

Rose answered pick

am going to make her pay for her rudeness. Let

around, just busy with her phone. The whole class was very noisy, students were bus

sident was busy sharing tes

, Jeremy, Rose," she chanted as

ichelle Winston," Claire asked lo

ent," Bryan, a gu

engrossed with her phone, she we

you Mic


self busy with my phone. Heard we will be receiving two new students, it's a pity ther

houlder, I looked up and it turned out to be the girl s

le I kept staring at her wondering how she got to k

ng the script to my face. Oh now I

her, dropped it on my des

is be this cold?" The girl mutte

voice of a girl named Reina. I just got to fi

st like you," the g

t now they are both standing in front of my

brain must be as mute as your mouth," Reina said picking up my te

ly trying my patience,

possible?" She question

he looks really creepy," Reina's puppy

I tear this script apart?" R

t her waiting fo

r stepping your boundaries, she hasn't do

too, such an

p showing your ugly face to me and let

she just call Claire ugly? She must b

d I heard and that was my script. She tore it into two,

t and mute in SPARKS HIGH but I am not a weakling and some

g to her feet, okay I think I a

ss is now focused on us

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