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The Mafia Love Prey

The Mafia Love Prey

Author: Siennariss

Chapter 1 Prolog

Word Count: 2454    |    Released on: 03/07/2022

not. Not that it would make much differe

n, it started with a few injections a week - then it turned to one every few hours hence why I w

d Coke she ordered me to get for her. Yes, ordered, not asked because to her I w

n't hesitate to tell him when she found out, she thought they were in love. Ha. Of course, he

for the weekend and she'd forgotten to feed me, stayed in bed and yelled at me when I dared to ask for

court to gain custody over me. Of course he won when they figured out my mothe

in the way of it - in this case it was death. My dad suffered a cardiac arrest when I was at school, this was discovered when nobody

n't pick you up." was what I was told. When an ambulance arrived I heard the medics talking about ventricular fibrillation or something and how that

he other two were dead. I had no aunts or uncles, or older brothers and sisters so I was

oke up, but I didn't know her new 'type' was monsters. Paul was the meanest, most sadistic man I knew yet my

with her, but due to not wanting any more trouble with the law she fed me, bathed me and put a roof over my hea

nd then he'd beat me, just because. And when he wasn't drinking, he still tried to use me. He'd make me

you're a bigger girl, I'll show you what I do to mommy at

disgusting things to him. When I refused to do so, he either forced me to pleasure him or he hit

ors I fell down the stairs. Sometimes he'd take polaroids of my beaten face and show me them to remind m

s holding in shock, and it shattered on the ground into a million pieces. Pau

tact with her lifeless open eyes. I quickly dialled 911 and waited for the lin

le to take her staring any longer and sat down

t this wasn't the case - I actually felt relieved. I didn't have to feel like I was a burden to her any longer and I didn't have to feel like she wa

up the front door. Sirens were going off outside our suburban house and at least fifteen medics and police officer

m-" a police officer holding a c

said no louder than a whisper

aul Michaelson live here with their daughter Leila. As I w

that, I didn't have the en

made and continued talking "So where is yo

s at work he should be hom

n these forms made by the Court of Law to clarify that he will be your guardian

chose her over me - now she was gone, I'd never be free of him. I didn't even go to school any more, I did it online and with Paul 'taking c

I just said?" Alex asked soothingly, looking a

feel too good." I say quickly before running back inside my

down. I needed to do something, and fast I couldn't let Paul win. I

g it was Alex I quickly opened it, but when I became fac

fore stepping into my room. He was wearing his usual work suit, although I didn't know why because he did

ve a whisper, my hands shaking

hed a tear for his now dead wife but all of a sudden his monoto

r shut with his leg, not turning his back on me, and started to walk to

us, perverted personality he would have been a good looking man for his age. He wasn't fat, but was fairly skinny with little muscle an

much fun without your mother. In fact, I'll show you exactly what I did to her in the bedroom when she w

rmed in disgust, "Pl

ck in your tight little pussy, dirty girl." he said gritting h

tering, I couldn't live my life like this.

that "it will happen soon. When I think you are ready." he explains as

ore bellowing "Look at me when I talk to you next

ut to sort out a few things and I'll be back in a couple of hours, so grieve or whatever

as holding. I counted to ten before removing my

hear any more voices or people moving things around so I knew I was alone. I hurriedly grabb

into my case, not forgetting the necklace my real father gave me and decided I'd

d and finally found the stash of money I knew she kept in her room in case she ever

money, and then shut the case. I threw on a sweatshirt and grabbed the small Nokia phone I h

empty, bedroom and let out a breath before c

case I got hungry on the way to...well wherever the hell I was going and

eaded out the door, making my way toward

the taxi and took a seat "Where t

here please." I said not

do." he chuckled

dow and felt a tear

be free and live a somewh

e it is me that's not


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